sliding magnet with horizontal and vertical motion

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New Member
Can someone suggest the right forum or subject headline for my question?

I am trying to slide a circular or rectangular magent ring across a glass plate with another magnet of same shape, but reversed on the other side of the glass plate, so it slides horizontally along with the one being pushed horizontally on top.

Now the problem: How can I attach another pair of small magnets in the center of these sliding magnets (the magnet frame) and use it as a push button with vertical motion?

Im I making myself clear or do I need to post a drawing?
So, you want to push in on the small, center magnet on one side of the glass and have it push out the one on the other side?

Yes, the outside button should push an inside button.
The outside magnet and the inside magnet may be just a pair of frames holding the pair of buttons, outside and inside.
Rather than a button switch which I assume would be momentary normally open and close on push don't you consider embedding magnetic reed switches below the glass and run a single magnet over them above the glass. Same effect as I see it.

Yes that would be better, but now I need to get a power circuit to the reed. I am in the early stages of inventing this. Can you help me if I describe the whole project to you, but I need some protection since I want to patent it.
Yes that would be better, but now I need to get a power circuit to the reed. I am in the early stages of inventing this. Can you help me if I describe the whole project to you, but I need some protection since I want to patent it.

I can appreciate your privacy concerns. Just post enough of what you are comfortable with so people can get a handle on giving you good suggestions. Additionally please don't get into the PM thing as most people, myself included like keeping things in the open forum.

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