small tracking device

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New Member
i am interested in building a small tracking device i would like to have a small nano type chip or a metal strip[ that would release on impact] to attach to a device and be able to track it maybe up to 1 mile or so. this strip or nano chip would need to withstand speeds of 800 fps and also rain or moisture i am needing some info to continue my search would anyone be able to help with some technical info ?
tracking device

i posted last night about a small tracking device this device would need to be able to be tracked at one quarter of a mile or less it would need to be water proof or moisture proof and resistant to cold weather conditions it would also need to withstand impact. i would like to be able to track it with a dog tracking device or something similar that is compact and easy to carry . does anyone have any ideas? i was told that a small nano type chip could not be tracked from a long distance!! so therefore i would be ok with shorter distances . please reply if anyone has a scenario to fit this request
How would you power it? A nano battery? I have never seen one.
Thanks for your reply I am not sure how to power it I'm not rely tech but I thought it would work like a dog tracking device I guess the chip would have to be a battery type which would stay with the animal then be able to track it from a distance even 5-6 hundred yards would be good I'm searching for info from anyone like yourself that could head me in right direction. Also this chip neede to be very light maybe 1 grain or so
Dog chips need to be read from up close. The reader powers the chip to be read.
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