A1 is an address line from the CPU - it selects access to the control or data registers in the LCD.
For the display, it's just a two way address select, A0 (lowest order address bit) as far as the display is concerned.
Most present parallel interface graphic displays call it D/C (data / control) instead of address - but its exactly the same thing.
See page 5 of this for a typical interface such as that. It uses A0 from the CPU rather than A1, it's just whichever address line the designer thought suitable - it's still the same D/C function at the display.
Page 4 of that also gives you an idea of the typical commands that can be used - not many, mostly to select the address or range that the next data will be written to or read from.
The internal "address pointer" increments on each data read or write, so you set that then send as much data as appropriate.
An MCU with a parallel slave port could be ideal as a "converter", as that could directly accept data from the existing LCD connector.
However, the LCD interfaces - especially older ones - tend to be relatively slow and any present fast MCU would likely be able to emulate it in software - an STM32, RP2400 or ESP32 etc.
If you arrange the data (to D address) appropriately, it should give a direct bit-to-pixel mapping of the displayed image.