Snow day.

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Nigel Goodwin

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Most Helpful Member
Second day off work this week for snow, although today is my day off anyway

Went a walk in the snow, here's a picture from the end of our road looking down the hill. The headlights coming up the hill were a Landrover, with the biggest chunky tires you ever did see - obviously out for a play!.


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Perhaps this may help..

**broken link removed**

I am so envious! Blerry sunny South Africa with its warm oceans and palm trees! Who needs it??

But seriously, I wish it did snow (like that) closer to where I stay. Not something the average person gets to see very often over here.


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I am so envious! Blerry sunny South Africa with its warm oceans and palm trees! Who needs it??

Tough question!

But seriously, I wish it did snow (like that) closer to where I stay. Not something the average person gets to see very often over here.

We don't seem to get a lot here these days, but it does seem to go in cycles.
I've got close family somewhere in Toronto and have been considering coming there next December to enjoy a "white Christmas".

They just laughed when I told them...
I heard a very interesting statistic about Land Rovers last week,

Ninety percent of all Land Rovers ever built are still on the road.

The other 10% made it home.

Currently around 25°C here but it is midnight.

North of here is currently flooded and may get hit with a cyclone in the next two days. When I say North I mean 60% of the state which is seven times bigger than the UK. The floods are 14M deep in some places!!

South of here (about 1000 miles) they had a heatwave last week, bush fires destroyed many homes and around 50 people died.

At least snow makes everything look pretty.

I heard a very interesting statistic about Land Rovers last week,

Ninety percent of all Land Rovers ever built are still on the road.

Joke or not, it's probably true - as they are aluminium bodied, they don't rust away like most cars.
Second day off work this week for snow, although today is my day off anyway
What a complete tea cup you Brits are! Where I live, right now it's -3° F, and we have a total accumulative snowfall of 130 inches. Schools here don't close unless there's 6"-8" imminent. It's business as usual. And no I don't live in Alaska or upper Husdon Bay! This is what we get for living near the Great Lakes and having Canada as a neighboring country, sending her Alberta Clippers our way as they pick up moisture off the lakes, dumping huge amounts of snow.
I think I'm gonna go visit AudioGuru and crack him on the head with my snowshovel!

And while an aluminum bodied Rover may not rust away, in my location it will corrode and pit from the heavy, extensive use of road salts and chlorides used for snow and ice management. After this winter season ends, the Great Lakes may no longer be the world's largest body of fresh water... once all the road salts have melted their way into feeder streams and rivers!
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I think I'm gonna go visit AudioGuru and crack him on the head with my snowshovel!
Please come and help me shovel the snow.
I have shovelled my driveway abot 20 times this winter and the piles of snow on each side are about 2.5m high. My street is white maybe with salt or packed snow.

A few days ago on a warm day I saw a fox running up my street.
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We had a light sprinkling of snow here today.

Managed to make this with littleun before he got bored

Its about 7 foot tall


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snow day

Nigel, quite a picturesque scene. We had about 2 inches of snow (27 year record) here in So. Texas last month. What a blast!
Nigel, quite a picturesque scene. We had about 2 inches of snow (27 year record) here in So. Texas last month. What a blast!

Yes, snow here in Texas, is definitely not ordinary. Here in the Caprock we got a whole 1/2 inch of sleet so far this winter.
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