Soldering smd LED Cob TV back lights

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Soldering smd 6v LED cob lights

I have already de-soldered and soldered 4 new ones back on some of the strips (x4 different strips ) it is quite easy using a hot plate

My conundrum now is,I have 3 more to do, the large area contact base on the chip is Positive, but the large area contact point on the strip is Negative, I didn't check the ones I have done before because they tested ok after soldering.

Hoping the pics will give you some idea has to what I am trying to say.




  • led strip 4 bulbs.jpg
    626.6 KB · Views: 229
  • LED Polarity 1.jpg
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  • led strip 4 bulbs close up.jpg
    816.7 KB · Views: 264
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