Some Apologies

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My visits to ETO have not been as frequent or often as I would like of late. While work has been somewhat demanding another problem in life has surfaced.

My wife Kathy was complaining of lower frontal pain towards her side. Initially it was assumed to be a urinary tract infection. Antibiotics cured the infection but she started showing blood in the urine. Our regular doctor who we both like sent her to a specialist. She had a CAT scan on Tuesday morning June 19th. This was followed right away with a visit to the specialist office. He attempted to "scope" her but it was not going well so it was decided a brief outpatient hospital visit so she could be asleep for the scope procedure. This was Tuesday morning. We left the doctor's office and caught some lunch. The procedure was to be Thursday June 21st.

Tuesday afternoon the doctor called after her CAT scan was reviewed. Forget the simple procedure. On Thursday morning Kathy was admitted to the hospital for major surgery. The problem was Stage II Kidney Cancer. Her left kidney, the attached tumor and surrounding lymph nodes were removed. Additionally her lowest left rib was partially removed, I guess to make room. The surgery went very well and she had the best working on her. The Sideman Cancer Center of University Hospitals Cleveland, Ohio is as good as it gets.

Kathy spent about 5 days recovering in the hospital. However, the worst nightmare was waiting on the pathology reports. At this time we did not know it was Stage II or if it had spread. A little over a week after the surgery we saw the doctor again. He removed the staples. They cut her from center just below her left ribs all the way around to her side. We were fortunate in that we got great news. The lymph nodes were cancer free and it looked like removing the tumor removed all the cancer. Kathy has been resting comfortably at home and is healing very well.

In 3 months there will be another scan and another doctor visit in a few more weeks. Right now, they are very optimistic.

While we were totally blindsided and this happened so fast we are happy with the results. The waiting was shear hell on earth. Kathy's only other hospitalization was age 9 for tonsils. That was quite some time ago.

Those of you who I have sent things to lnow Kathy as the person who actually does the sending.

Suddenly I find myself as the house keeper and parent to the dogs. Never realized how much she did around here. I just assumed the dresser draw contained an infinite supply of socks and clean underwear? Never gave much thought as to how they got there.

Anyway, as things here improve I hope to get back to more posting. Just a tad busy right now. I generally would not have shared this but did not want you people thinking I dropped off the planet.

Wow, I sincerely hope she gets better quickly, Ron. I can imagine this sort of thing must be very difficult for the both of you. I hope her recovery goes quickly and smoothly. Keep us posted!

Best wishes,
Hi Ron,

Im very shocked and saddened to hear about Kathy's sudden illness. I can not imagine something like this happening to two of the nicest people on this earth. I can only hope and pray that everything goes well for her and yourself over the next few months. If you think there is anything i can help with in some way do not hesitate to ask.

Please give her my best wishes.

Glad things are looking up. So, far, I guess, the team did everything right.

I too have a minor glitch. Mom came down with pneumonia and I swear the anti-biotic she was give has been multiplying all of her psychological idiosyncrasies making it impossibe for me to get things that I want to get done, done.

Like her usual frugal behavior went south when a can of biscuits fell out of the fridge and burst open. I would expect her to bake them right away. So, she throws them in the bad to go outside. I put them in the fridge and she puts them back in the bag again. I remove them from the bag, remove the dough that's oozing out of the can and bake them. Logic like went south and she said, she didn't want to cook them in the oven with the AC on. e.g. Wasting energy heating the house with the toaster oven and running the AC. That's only a minor problem.

On the bright side: You know where clean socks come from, but your also in another holding pattern.
Wow! That's a bummer of a deal for Kathy and yourself and I feel for you both. At least it should be all done and over now, and you found out early enough.

You gotta take good care of that magic sock elf!
Wishing Kathy all the best in her recovery and keep strong Ron.

Cancer appears to be very indiscriminate with who it attacks - one of my friends died young from it. She was a health advisory nurse, led a very heathy lifestyle, never smoked and always ate lots of fresh fruit and veg.

Fingers crossed she's beaten the evil bugger !
Many thanks to all of you for the well wishes. I will pass them along. Yes, it was strange. My sister was blindsided last year and lost her husband in February of this year. Mike, who I always liked and now miss did everything right. Kathy did ask the doctor what causes this form of cancer? The answer.... "Bad Luck"! Fortunately when caught early as this was it is a very manageable cancer, especially with the removed lymph nodes being cancer free.

It was hell waiting on pathology and again a shock. It all went down so fast for us. It was like this is what we hear about with others but never would have dreamed... you get the idea.

Between Kathleen and work I am keeping busy. Again, many thanks for the well wishes and I shall pass them along.

Sorry to read about this Ron. You are one of the most genuine and knowledgeable people I have had the pleasure of getting to know on the Net.

Remember when I said I need a break from ETO???. You PM'd me. And kept me in mindset. That is good. Always.

Kathy is in my thoughts and prayers. May her healing continue. May all be good for you two.

Lotsa Love,
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May she be up very, very soon.. I hope everything will be all right and all of this would be just a blurred souvenir.
Hi Ron,

sorry to hear of Kathy's situation and your cause for concern as a result, but pleased to hear they acted swiftly.

Take all the time you need to get your wife well again.

The forum can wait, we may miss your activity in the mean time, but family is much higher on the list of priorities.

Best wishes to you both, and a speedy recovery for Kathy, from across the pond.
Yes we missed you here but she needs you more.
Take care and good luck.
Many thanks to all for their wishes. Kathy is healing well which has the doctors pleased as well as me. Yeah, being blindsided sucked and scared me. A few months and another CAT Scan but they feel the cancer was caught in time. Hard to figure I have been MIA about a month. The job is now keeping me busy and that is a good thing at a time when so many are jobless. Overall things are good.

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