Some Question About Inchworm

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I have complete my inchworm assembly kit.

it is giving,
5 Volts on TP+5 And
12.8 Volts on TP VPP.

Now my questions are,

Maximum Length of the cable from Inchworm to Targeted PIC Board???

Maximum Length of the cable from Computer to Inchworm???

What should be the speed of Serial Port(BPS)???

What about connections of serial port?? Straight or cross?? i mean 2 to 2...or .....2 to 3???

Maximum Length of the cable from Inchworm to Targeted PIC Board???
Keep it short as possible.
IIRC 6 inches max.

Maximum Length of the cable from Computer to Inchworm???
Not critical. A few feet is OK.

What should be the speed of Serial Port(BPS)???
MPLAB allows either 19200 or 57600. The inchworm will detect the rate and work with either.

It takes a non crossed cable. If you have the space you can do without the RS232 cable.
Ayne said:
I am plaining to use 3 Meter....... What u say???

Prior to installation of LAN at the U the math dept had RS232 cables running from one end of the building to another and between floors.

I would not do that to the inchworm.

What I say: get it working first with a short or no cable then give your long one a try.

Most of those questions are answered in the Inchworm assembly manual.

except the RS232 cable length is rated for about 25' max, I'd keep it short for starters about 1 meter till you know its working.

Baud rate is either 19K or 57K (MPLAB)
A problem in another programmer... TAIT Serial Programer.

When i feed firmware into PIC16F877A or any other program(blinking LED)

an error occur..
Verify fail at 005 address

I have used this programmer before about 6 months ago that time it was running properly... Now i pick it again from store and run it.

Where is mistake???

What should be VPP voltages???

Why it is saying at 005 adress why not on 000h address???
Is this an Inchworm or TAIT question?

If its inchworm MPLAB likes to see around 12v to 13v on VPP

If its about TAIT why would you use a TAIT if you have an ICD2 clone?
It is about Tait programmer.

Why i am using TAIT Programmer......
Because as u know a pre programmed Microcontroller is needed to run the ICD therefore i am using TAIT to program "ICD2_Bootloader_A" file into PIC16F877A....

I have seen another a simplest programmer on the web, made with only resistors but i have mis the link....u know?
Which is the best way...

Connecting Serial port to inchwormfirst ??? or connecting supply first???

same question for disconnecting...
The resistor only programmer is **broken link removed**

I found that you may need a couple of diodes as well. See attachment.

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If you are using a purchased kit the 877 should already be programmed.
Setting during Programming???

Once i have programmed PIC16F877A with "ICD2_Bootloader_A"... but ICD is not working it say
Auto-connect not enabled - Not connecting (Try enabling auto-connect on the ICD2 settings pages.)
ICDWarn0034: Please ensure that your system's serial FIFO buffers are disabled.
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0054:  MPLAB IDE has lost communications with the MPLAB ICD 2.  Would you like to attempt to reconnect?
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0021: Unable to connect with MPLAB ICD 2

My cable length is 24 inches, straight connections, PIN 1 with PIN 1, 2 with 2.

What should be the setting during programming of PIC16F877A with "ICD2_Bootloader_A"... Picture Below.

My Fifos are also OFF

My Microcontroller(PIC16F877A_ is OK. I feed a program of blinking leds with TAIT programmer and it is working properly..


  • setting.GIF
    5.3 KB · Views: 166
  • fifo.GIF
    16.4 KB · Views: 178
If you are using a purchased kit the 877 should already be programmed.

I am not using a purchased kit... I only have PCB of inchworm of BlueRoom electronics.

I have also done this step on both speeds 57600 and 19200... and have succeed on both speed...

Also have cheked RTS and CTS as i short PORTB.4 with PORTB.5 with jumper.... CTS LED turn on in software, i am using Serial Input Output monitor of PIC CCS compiler.
I need to better understand what you have done.

When you programmed the 877 to blink a LED did you run it in the inchworm circuit ? If not write code to blink busy LED and check it in inchworm.

Do you have the PIC - MAX232 - DB9 exactly as in the inchworm schematics ? Check this again even if you had the LED blinking.

I think the "serial input/output" is part of the CCS IDE not the compiler. I have the compiler but not the IDE not sure exactly what it does so I do not know what that test proved for sure.

Just for kicks and giggles set MPLAB to auto-connect and to auto download the operating system (to the 877). Then try it.
When you programmed the 877 to blink a LED did you run it in the inchworm circuit ? If not write code to blink busy LED and check it in inchworm.
i write the code and feed it to the PIC, now the programmed pic is running fine on my Develpment board, it is blinking LED connected at PORTB.3.
But when i insert the same PIC into Inchworm it not blink LED.
But when i apply direct 5 volts to PORTB.3 in Inchworm IC's Socket then LED turn ON.
As i understand this is because MCLR/VPP pin is not pulled up with any resistor to positive supply in Inchworm.

Do you have the PIC - MAX232 - DB9 exactly as in the inchworm schematics ? Check this again even if you had the LED blinking.
It is giving exact voltages on test points.
5 Volts on TP+5 And
12.8 Volts on TP VPP.
5 and 0 volts on IC socket of PIC16F877A at VDD and VSS.

I think the "serial input/output" is part of the CCS IDE not the compiler. I have the compiler but not the IDE not sure exactly what it does so I do not know what that test proved for sure.
I have test my RS232 cable and MAX232 at both speeds 57600 and 19200 they r right....... I use "Input Output monitor". It is not a complier, it is just like a Terminal program comes with PICC compiler...
You mean during the feeding of Firmware(ICD2_Bootloader_A.hex) into PIC16F877A???
Ayne said:
You mean during the feeding of Firmware(ICD2_Bootloader_A.hex) into PIC16F877A???

when programming the "target" chip ,
there are configuration bits (in the target chip memory) that need to be set

depending on the type of osillator the Target will use , you eithe set the config bits, to HS high speed , internal , or a few other options.
LVP is another option set in the config bits.

the config bits are set by either MPLAB or in the assembly program itself.
i forget the syntax of the assembly code for the config bits , BUT each target chip has its own , config bits , and they are different , mostly.

What is your target chip?
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