Anyone reading this should note that this is a handbuilt inchworm board not an inchworm kit. To ensure the processor has everything it needs to run we are programming a pic to blink the busy LED on the inchworm.
Try hooking a 10K resistor between positive and PIC pin 1. That should pull it high as needed.
Finsh this test. get it to blink then look at the RS232 if there is still a problem.
For this to work you must have programmed the PIC for use with a HS osc. I assume this is not a problem.Ayne said:i write the code and feed it to the PIC, now the programmed pic is running fine on my Develpment board, it is blinking LED connected at PORTB.3.
But when i insert the same PIC into Inchworm it not blink LED.
But when i apply direct 5 volts to PORTB.3 in Inchworm IC's Socket then LED turn ON.
As i understand this is because MCLR/VPP pin is not pulled up with any resistor to positive supply in Inchworm.
Try hooking a 10K resistor between positive and PIC pin 1. That should pull it high as needed.
Finsh this test. get it to blink then look at the RS232 if there is still a problem.
It is good that it worked buy you still need to check/inspect/(look at) all the wires/connections between the Inchworm PIC the MAX232 and the RS232 connector on the inchworm.I have test my RS232 cable and MAX232 at both speeds 57600 and 19200 they r right....... I use "Input Output monitor". It is not a complier, it is just like a Terminal program comes with PICC compiler...