Sonic Mole Chaser

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New Member
Need a circut that creates pulsed tones underground to scare away moles in a vegetable garden.
There is a commercial one thats solar powered. It would be nice if I could get that Circut. I'm open to all ideas.
Some years ago, a mole was slang for a cheap woman. But I assume you're talking about the animal type.

The simplest way to do it would be with a PIC. It could generate the pulsed tones.

Are you familiar with PICs?
I read somewhere that an empty bottle burried with the neck up and uncovered can make enough noise to scare a mole. The wind passes over the top of the bottle and makes that hillbilly music sound. If this is true? i would assume moles would respond more to lower frequency noises rather than higher ones, also the lower frequencies would travel through the ground better me thinks. Maybe bury an old enclosed subwoofer and feed it a swept low frequency or some hillbilly music
hi chiba,
we use a similar method, stick a plastic drinks bottle, half full of water, half
way in the ground. Insert a childs windmill, the sort you would see in a fair
ground. The noise as it spins and twists conducts well thu the water into
the ground.

We also hang plastic bottles, with a few pebbles in, from the top of the
garden posts, they swing around, hitting the post from time to time.

I know they dont work when the wind isnt blowing, before one says so.

Its low tech, 'green' and its cheap.

remove the food supply and the moles disappear to greener pastures. Milky Spore will kill the grubs that moles thrive on. The spore takes well over a year to flourish but it will last for up to 15 years once it's established. The spore will not harm humans nor pets, nor garden plants/vegetables. It is ingested by the grubs and such and as they die, it is released by the millions to billions in the soil. Until Milky Spore takes hold, you would need to use commercial chemicals like GrubEx or similar for immediate relief. Again, remove the food supply from the moles and send them to your neighbor's yards instead.

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Can I use it in the vegetable garden?
Yes, Milky Spore is harmless to food crops. It is not a chemical pesticide. It may be used in gardens, around pools and wells.

What about Moles?
Milky Spore doesn't kill moles. It eliminates their food source and then they go elsewhere.
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milky spore ... I'll have to order me some of that for the spring ... the moles come and go in my yard. synthetic pesticides work for a few months, the moles move away, and then one day I'll walk out and there is fresh tunnels all over.

i've never seen grubs any time I've dug the earth to plant something, so the moles might be eating something else? or maybe my yard is just part of some underground expressway system. my neighbor has a huge mound in his front lawn complements of moles. he's tried digging it up, nocking it down, gasing it (sulphar dioxide), poisoning it, but it just keeps thriving.

they tried starting one in my lawn, but I dug it up and filled it with big rocks - that seems to be holding for now.
In the past in the UK farmers used mole-traps to catch and kill them (a spring loaded device that crushes them), then they used to hang them on barbed wire fences - supposedly to warn other moles away?. Do moles have little periscopes and check for corpses on fences before they tunnel?.
ive got one of those spring loaded traps ... it's a bit harsher than crush, more like impale ... six sharp point steel tines and a very strong spring with a hair trigger

the moles tunnel right under, setting it off, never caught one with it though

I did manage to kill two moles merely by stepping on them ... lifting up a tarp that had blown off something else, there was one hiding under it - squish! the other came shooting out of the earth for some reason while I was walking by, so squish for him too.
LOL!! I accidentally disturbed one in a nearby ditch with my weed whacker, wounding it and then I tossed it into the busy roadway - squish!

Look at this tasy little morsel! Gosh those critters are evil looking!
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I haven't got around to buying Milky Spore for my yard but so far applying GrubEx has been working. Initially my new home had mole trails all over the place from the previous owner's neglect. Between removing the dandelions and applying GrubEx, the lawn looks nice and the mole trails stop right at my boundary line. It also helps to hang Jap. Beetle traps in your garden or flower beds so they are attracted there rather than the leaves and then deposit their eggs.
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No, that's really nasty - the ones I saw years any years ago were like large spring loaded pliers - you placed them in the tunnels and as they pushed their way through, the trap crushed them from the sides.
The commercial electronic mole scarers which you bury in the ground (they look like something you might get in an Anne Summers shop) emit a low frequency moan about every 30 secs (keep the analogy going if you wish!).

They are useless. I have a photo I took of my mole scarer surrounded by fresh mole hills, one only 30cms away.

I took it back to the shop and the lady agreed that they were useless as she had tried one too. Seems like they just get used to it.
Perhaps it's time to rent this movie? I know it was a gopher but i'm sure there's a few ideas on how to take care of the little critters


  • caddyshack.jpg
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I thought moles also feed off worms; does that milkyspore stuff kill them too? If it does that can't be a good thing.
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