Sound reversing car

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New Member
IVE made this project, but the problem is that it does not work
i connected the battery directly to the motor to see if there is a flaw in the motor, but the motor works...
i guess there is a flaw in the circuit or in my sodering,
can anyone help me???
i need help to explain the circuit to the examiner.......

**broken link removed**

the circuit to be explained is in the attachment.


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Welcome to Electro-Tech, goddyneil!
In a circuit like that there are various things that could go wrong. One, I would suggest checking your transistors and soldering (make sure the transistors work and of the correct type, and that the solder did not spread and make contact with another pin). Two, check your mic--what type is it? Is is electret, dynamic, carbon, etc.?
Der Strom
I guess the reason is the voltage drop across the transistors of the H-bridge.

With a 3V power source the motor will receive an operating voltage of 1.7V.

Increase the supply output to at least 4.5V.

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