SPI Code for BME280

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This a partial solution for anyone who is trying to use the BMe280. The Pressure/ Temperature part is very similar if not identical for BMP180/280.

With reference to the Datahseet there are two problems within the code:
Most of the data uses signed 32 and 16 bit variables which Oshonsoft does not have.
It also uses Floats(Single) whivh Oshonsoft does have but I didn't find this very helpful.
I've also been trying GCB which has 16 bit signed but no Floats, again with limited success.
2: The equations used to calculated Pressure/Temp and Hum are horrendously complex, especially Pressure.
This makes it extremely difficult to figure out a work around for the variables issue.

The attacked code achieves the following:
Writes Configuration data
Can Read all Registers
Chip id, Calibration and P,T & H data etc.
Temperature works for + numbers (thanks to MMotte on the GCB forum for the Temp equation).
Humidity works but is wildly inaccurate, it shows 10% when it is about 42%
I've not done anything with Pressure (MMotte is working on it) because the calculations won't fit on a 16f887.
This was done initally with GCB and converted to Oshonsoft.

Proton Basic as all the required variables, has working I2C code which I've modified for SPI, it does everything but won't read PT & H data so another brick wall.

Good Luck


  • BME280SPI .bas
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Hi S,
I haven't read your program properly, but try turning the BME280 'Chip select' ON for each SEND or SEND/RECEIVE then OFF [You may not need all of them]

CS ON ##################################################
SPISend chipidreg 'Request Chip ID
CS OFF ##################################################
CS ON ##################################################
SPIReceive chipid 'Read Chip ID
CS OFF ##################################################
Hserout "chipid ", #chipid, CrLf
CS ON ##################################################
'SPISend reset 'reset
CS OFF ##################################################
'WaitMs 3
'Write Configuration
CS ON ##################################################
SPISend ctrlhumreg 'configReg
CS OFF ######################################
CS ON ##################################################
SPISend ctrlhumdata 'Write ctrlhum
CS OFF ######################################
CS ON #########################################
SPISend ctrlmeasreg 'CtrlmeasReg
CS OFF ######################################
CS ON ##################################################
SPISend ctrlmeasdata 'Write Ctrlmeas
CS OFF ##################################################
CS ON ##################################################
SPISend configreg 'configReg
CS OFF ##################################################
CS ON ##################################################
SPISend configdata 'Write config
CS OFF ##################################################
Hi C
The code works as supplied, the big mountain is converting the horrendous"C" based data conversion to work with Basic.
Hi C
The code works as supplied, the big mountain is converting the horrendous"C" based data conversion to work with Basic.
Hi S,
Re your line: it does everything but won't read PT & H data so another brick wall.
Are you saying that the program on #1 works now?

Is 'the big mountain' a member? I couldn't find him. Could you give me a link please?
Hi C & I, are you taking the proverbial?
The Code will as it says in the 1st post read all of the data for P,T & H
It/I cannot convert the Math conversion code in the datasheet into a BASIC format, it is needed to convert the data into P,T & H
Otherwise it's just a meaningless set of numbers.
It can be done with Arduino, but that uses C++ so the C code conversion in the data sheet works as is.
This is the brick wall a.k.a. the big mountain, last seen in the Rocky Mountains not far from Snowdon.

In the even of wanting to use a BME280, I've decided that it's easier to cobble some Uno code together than convert this C Math into Basic.
I'll most likely not use a BME280, cobbling shoes or arduino code is not my idea of fun.
I'm back to stepper motors right now, much more relaxing, round and round they go......round and round
Hello Superdat,

I've been going through this post as I'm actually strugling with getting a 4 * 7 segment display drived by the Max7219 connected to a pic 16F15344.

I'm actually programing in asm as I feel it more detailed and I understand what I'm doing.
After reading datasheet of pic16F15344 and Max7219, I've created an asm code and made my hardware connection.
The code is buiding without any issue and getting loaded into the pic throught pickit3 but after scratching my head for hours and checking my connections, I've not been able to find out where is the issue and the 7segment display is still blank and don't show the value 1991 as I would like to display.
I've seen throught this post that you've been suceding to make your 7segment display working with Max7219.
Can you help me to understand where is the issue in my code or share your code?

My code:

list p=16f15344 ; list directive to define processor
#include <p16f15344.inc> ; processor specific variable definitions



; _RSTOSC_HFINT1 -> permet l'activation de l'oscillateur interne a une frequence de 1Mhz soit 1 microS/osccillation
; _LVP_OFF -> permet la programmation a faible tenssion
; _CP_OFF -> Ne cache pas le code
; _WDT_OFF -> Desactive le Watch Dog


;***** VARIABLE DEFINITIONS at the bank 0 begining at adress 0x20
cblock 0X20
registre_Démarrage : 1
Donnée_Demmarrage : 1
Donnée_Fin : 1

registre_Parametrage : 1
Donnée_ParametrageBCD : 1

registre_Intensite : 1
Donnée_Intensite : 1

registre_nbrDigit : 1
Donnée_nbrDigit : 1

registre_Test : 1
Donnée_Test : 1

registre_Digit : 1
Donnée_Digit : 1

registre : 1
donnee : 1
; Reset Vector

org 00H ; processor reset vector
goto START ; go to beginning of program




; Initialisaton des variables

banksel registre_Démarrage

movlw 0x0c
movwf registre_Démarrage
movlw 0x03
movwf Donnée_Demmarrage

movlw 0x09
movwf registre_Parametrage
movlw 0x0F
movwf Donnée_ParametrageBCD

movlw 0x0A
movwf registre_Intensite
movlw 0x07
movwf Donnée_Intensite

movlw 0x0B
movwf registre_nbrDigit
movlw 0x03
movwf Donnée_nbrDigit

movlw 0x0F
movwf registre_Test
movlw 0x01
movwf Donnée_Test

movlw 0x01
movwf registre_Digit
movlw 0x01
movwf Donnée_Digit

; Initialisation des paramettres SPI

banksel RB4PPS
movlw 0x16 ;On associe SDO a RB4 ( les données transmises)
movwf RB4PPS

banksel RB5PPS
movlw 0x15 ;On associe SCK a RB5 (l'horloge)
movwf RB5PPS

banksel TRISB
movlw 0x8F ;RB4 et RB5 et RB6 en sortie tout le rest en entrée
movwf TRISB

banksel SSP1CON1
movlw 0x20 ;On active le SPI
movwf SSP1CON1

Banksel SSP1STAT ; On parametre l'horloge et l'echantillonage des données

banksel PORTB
clrf PORTB ;on efface les valeurs du port B

; Debut du parametrage Driver
banksel registre_Démarrage
movf registre_Démarrage,w
movwf registre

banksel Donnée_Demmarrage
movf Donnée_Demmarrage,w
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

banksel registre_Parametrage
movf registre_Parametrage,w
movwf registre

banksel Donnée_ParametrageBCD
movf Donnée_ParametrageBCD,w
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

banksel registre_Intensite
movf registre_Intensite,w
movwf registre

banksel Donnée_Intensite
movf Donnée_Intensite,w
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

banksel registre_nbrDigit
movf registre_nbrDigit,w
movwf registre

banksel Donnée_nbrDigit
movf Donnée_nbrDigit,w
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

banksel registre_Test
movf registre_Test,w
movwf registre

banksel Donnée_Test
movf Donnée_Test,w
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

banksel registre_Test
movf registre_Test,w
movwf registre

movlw 0x00 ;fin du test
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

; Debut du programme envoie des chiffres

; Chiffre 1

movlw 0x01
banksel registre
movwf registre

movlw 0x01
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

; Chiffre 2

movlw 0x02
banksel registre
movwf registre

movlw 0x09
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

; Chiffre 3

movlw 0x03
banksel registre
movwf registre

movlw 0x09
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

; Chiffre 4

movlw 0x04
banksel registre
movwf registre

movlw 0x01
movwf donnee
call RoutineveriffinSDI

banksel PORTB
bcf PORTB,6
banksel registre
movf registre,w
banksel SSP1BUF
movwf SSP1BUF
banksel SSP1STAT
btfss SSP1STAT,0
goto $-1
banksel SSP1BUF
movf SSP1BUF,w

banksel donnee
movf donnee,w
banksel SSP1BUF
movwf SSP1BUF
banksel SSP1STAT
btfss SSP1STAT,0
goto $-1
banksel PORTB
bsf PORTB,6


Thanks a lot
Hi Alchi
Is it just the 7 segments you want help with? I never did get the BME280 to work properly.
I have some simple examples for driving 4 x 7 segement displays with Max7219/21, but they are in BASIC
ASM is a foreign language to me.
If you think it will help I can find them easily enough and post here.
Hi Superdat and thanks for your quick reply!

Yes for the moment I just want to make some SPI tests of communication between my pic and MAx7219,
next steps will be to ask the pic 16F15344 throught a pic 16f887 to ask the Max7219 to display a number on a 7 segment display.
Thats a pity for asm as I want to avoid using librairies. But thanks for your help anyway.
If anyone else have some sugestions they are more than welcome

Hi Alchi
Attached is an example using Max7219/21 and 7 segment LEDs and nothing else so it should be easy enough to figure out.
The biggest problem I found with Max7221 was how to set up the registers. You still need to do this somehow with ASM.
Hope it helps


  • SPI Max7221 7 Seg.Txt
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