This thing is mounted in a facility, probably built in the 70's (drawings are from late 70's).
Thing is - the first atachment, as I read it - seems to make use of uneccesary poles of the switch - the 21-23 seems to have no rational function (never will be a closed current path between terminal 5-21).
Unless there is some delay function - maybe spring loaded - between different set of poles.
I'd be crazy happy if ther exist some sort of datasheet that can explain this
Ok, so I've found that this switch/indicator have 4 possible positions:
Default (look just like the square one in the photo)
Turned 90 degrees.
Turned a little bit more (120 degrees maybe)
Pulled out (can only be done from 12 degree angle).
That is - if I've understood it correctly (I was told by one that have being worked on similar kind of installations back in the days, but he says he can't remember it all excactly)