SSB Carrier Supression

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Actually I'm talking the Radio Shack hanging on the hook perf-board. You know, where you got one little copper eyelet to solder to over each hole. Yeah, beads would be nice but didn't have any with the right diameter. Trust me I pushed the limit for HF. VHF & up would be out of the question. I knew better on the power amps.
Looks like I gotta drag the pic programmer out. I'm gonna go PLL on the transmitter. Nifty drifty Single Sideband just ain't cuttin' it. I can handle the receiver but these appliance operators are spoiled.
No pictures yet then?.

I just got an Indiana station. He didn't have any problem at all with my current 7 watts. Infact he asked me if I got my design from some where. I should have told him,

Here are some pics. I show the modulator sitting on top of the amp in my usual cat food can style.

1. Modulator
2. Vertical view of Amp
3. Shows MRF477 mounting

The amp is putting out about 10 watts but peaks to about 7 watts clear audio (un-clipped). Normal speaking into mic. I really don't like the mounting and prefer SOE type mounting. But I think this is about the best you can do with a single ended stage using this transistor.


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So, you like Manhatten style then?

Actually I do, but I said, "cat food". Sorry, do not partake of the cat food.

I will say this, which goes right in the face of that one link discussed, the guy said two things and even emphasized one:

1. He said, do not use a buffer stage going to the mixer

2. Do not use 1N914...No No No!

Now that is amazing. I have found 1N914 to be the very best thing to use. On the other.....well, I should have know better.
How are you dissipating 80watts, Is there a heatsink underneath?

But of course. And a fan with filter circuit. Believe me, when I 1st put it together I would have used at least a good 6 x4 inches of Avvid black annadized aluminum with 3 inch fins sticking out running length wise down the back. But I didn't have any on hand.
Well 80 watts is a little much power to put on a VFO and single sideband being so frequency tight with even having to keep the BFO offset pitch exact, I've elected to put in PLL. Here's my circuit. I'm using a Motorola MC145170 and a PIC16F690 micro.

I'm using the processor's internal timer interrupt tied to an I/O port to generate my reference frequency. This gives me flexibility to change either the fin input divider ratio or the reference by jam loading the timer with new count values.


  • 11MHz-PLL.gif
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Here is some code. Currently I have the timer interrupt set at 20KHz so I toggle the output port for 10KHz (reference). The first 3 values in look-up table at address 200h are the fin divide from 11MHz. I'm starting with 11.150MHz. So if I divide by 45B hex, I will arrive at 10KHz.

000 284C GOTO 0x4c
001 3FFF ADDLW 0xff
002 3FFF ADDLW 0xff
003 3FFF ADDLW 0xff
004 00C0 MOVWF 0x40
005 0803 MOVF 0x3, W
006 00C1 MOVWF 0x41
007 190B BTFSC 0xb, 0x2
008 2900 GOTO 0x100
009 180B BTFSC 0xb, 0
00A 2820 GOTO 0x20
00B 0000 NOP
00C 0841 MOVF 0x41, W
00D 0083 MOVWF 0x3
00E 0840 MOVF 0x40, W
00F 178B BSF 0xb, 0x7
010 0009 RETFIE

020 1E06 BTFSS 0x6, 0x4
021 2910 GOTO 0x110
022 280C GOTO 0xc

04C 30ED MOVLW 0xed
04D 00BD MOVWF 0x3d
04E 3000 MOVLW 0
04F 00AC MOVWF 0x2c
050 1683 BSF 0x3, 0x5
051 1303 BCF 0x3, 0x6
052 1007 BCF 0x7, 0
053 1087 BCF 0x7, 0x1
054 1107 BCF 0x7, 0x2
055 1187 BCF 0x7, 0x3
056 100F BCF 0xf, 0
057 3000 MOVLW 0
058 00A0 MOVWF 0x20
059 1381 BCF 0x1, 0x7
05A 30FF MOVLW 0xff
05B 0086 MOVWF 0x6

065 1381 BCF 0x1, 0x7
066 1701 BSF 0x1, 0x6
067 1281 BCF 0x1, 0x5
068 1201 BCF 0x1, 0x4
069 1181 BCF 0x1, 0x3
06A 1101 BCF 0x1, 0x2
06B 1081 BCF 0x1, 0x1
06C 1001 BCF 0x1, 0
06D 1283 BCF 0x3, 0x5
06E 130B BCF 0xb, 0x6
06F 168B BSF 0xb, 0x5
070 120B BCF 0xb, 0x4
071 158B BSF 0xb, 0x3
072 178B BSF 0xb, 0x7

07A 1507 BSF 0x7, 0x2 ; initialize Motorola chip
07B 3008 MOVLW 0x8
07C 00AD MOVWF 0x2d
07D 2386 CALL 0x386
07E 0BAD DECFSZ 0x2d, F
07F 287D GOTO 0x7d
080 1107 BCF 0x7, 0x2
081 2386 CALL 0x386
082 2386 CALL 0x386
083 2386 CALL 0x386
084 1487 BSF 0x7, 0x1
085 2380 CALL 0x380
086 2386 CALL 0x386
087 2386 CALL 0x386
088 1507 BSF 0x7, 0x2
089 0000 NOP
08A 2380 CALL 0x380
08B 1107 BCF 0x7, 0x2
08C 2386 CALL 0x386
08D 1487 BSF 0x7, 0x1
08E 2386 CALL 0x386
08F 2386 CALL 0x386
090 2386 CALL 0x386
091 2386 CALL 0x386
092 1487 BSF 0x7, 0x1
093 2386 CALL 0x386
094 1487 BSF 0x7, 0x1
095 2386 CALL 0x386
096 1487 BSF 0x7, 0x1
097 2386 CALL 0x386
098 1507 BSF 0x7, 0x2
099 2380 CALL 0x380
09A 0000 NOP
09B 2393 CALL 0x393
09C 23B2 CALL 0x3b2

0A2 23E0 CALL 0x3e0
0A3 1703 BSF 0x3, 0x6
0A4 1283 BCF 0x3, 0x5
0A5 3000 MOVLW 0
0A6 0000 NOP
0A7 009E MOVWF 0x1e
0A8 009F MOVWF 0x1f
0A9 3010 MOVLW 0x10
0AA 0095 MOVWF 0x15
0AB 0096 MOVWF 0x16
0AC 1303 BCF 0x3, 0x6
0AD 1283 BCF 0x3, 0x5

0B5 1C3C BTFSS 0x3c, 0
0B6 28B3 GOTO 0xb3
0B7 103C BCF 0x3c, 0
0B8 23B2 CALL 0x3b2
0B9 28B3 GOTO 0xb3

100 083D MOVF 0x3d, W
101 0081 MOVWF 0x1
102 110B BCF 0xb, 0x2
103 168B BSF 0xb, 0x5
104 1C20 BTFSS 0x20, 0
105 2909 GOTO 0x109
106 1020 BCF 0x20, 0
107 1007 BCF 0x7, 0
108 280C GOTO 0xc
109 1420 BSF 0x20, 0
10A 1407 BSF 0x7, 0
10B 2920 GOTO 0x120
10C 280C GOTO 0xc
10D 0000 NOP
10E 3FFF ADDLW 0xff
10F 3FFF ADDLW 0xff
110 138B BCF 0xb, 0x7
111 0AAC INCF 0x2c, F
112 0AAC INCF 0x2c, F
113 143C BSF 0x3c, 0
114 100B BCF 0xb, 0
115 0000 NOP
116 158B BSF 0xb, 0x3
117 30EE MOVLW 0xee
118 00BD MOVWF 0x3d
119 280C GOTO 0xc

120 3004 MOVLW 0x4
121 00BB MOVWF 0x3b
122 0BBB DECFSZ 0x3b, F
123 2922 GOTO 0x122
124 280C GOTO 0xc

1E0 0782 ADDWF 0x2, F
1E1 3400 RETLW 0
1E2 3401 RETLW 0x1

200 0782 ADDWF 0x2, F
201 3404 RETLW 0x4
202 345B RETLW 0x5b
203 3404 RETLW 0x4
204 345C RETLW 0x5c
205 3404 RETLW 0x4
206 345D RETLW 0x5d
207 3404 RETLW 0x4
208 340D RETLW 0xd
209 3407 RETLW 0x7
20A 340C RETLW 0xc
20B 3407 RETLW 0x7
20C 340B RETLW 0xb
20D 3407 RETLW 0x7
20E 340A RETLW 0xa
20F 3407 RETLW 0x7
210 3409 RETLW 0x9
211 3407 RETLW 0x7
212 3408 RETLW 0x8
213 3407 RETLW 0x7
214 3407 RETLW 0x7
215 3407 RETLW 0x7
216 3406 RETLW 0x6
217 3407 RETLW 0x7
218 3405 RETLW 0x5
219 3407 RETLW 0x7
21A 3404 RETLW 0x4
21B 3407 RETLW 0x7
21C 3403 RETLW 0x3
21D 3407 RETLW 0x7
21E 3402 RETLW 0x2
21F 3407 RETLW 0x7
220 3401 RETLW 0x1
221 3407 RETLW 0x7
222 3400 RETLW 0
223 3406 RETLW 0x6
224 34FF RETLW 0xff
225 3406 RETLW 0x6
226 34FE RETLW 0xfe
227 3406 RETLW 0x6
228 34FD RETLW 0xfd
229 3406 RETLW 0x6
22A 34FC RETLW 0xfc
22B 3406 RETLW 0x6
22C 34FB RETLW 0xfb
22D 3406 RETLW 0x6
22E 34FA RETLW 0xfa
22F 3406 RETLW 0x6
230 34F9 RETLW 0xf9
231 3406 RETLW 0x6
232 34F8 RETLW 0xf8
233 3FFF ADDLW 0xff

380 30F0 MOVLW 0xf0
381 00AF MOVWF 0x2f
382 03AF DECF 0x2f, F
383 1D03 BTFSS 0x3, 0x2
384 2B82 GOTO 0x382
385 0008 RETURN
386 1587 BSF 0x7, 0x3
387 2380 CALL 0x380
388 1087 BCF 0x7, 0x1
389 1187 BCF 0x7, 0x3
38A 2380 CALL 0x380
38B 0008 RETURN
38C 1C03 BTFSS 0x3, 0
38D 2B91 GOTO 0x391
38E 1487 BSF 0x7, 0x1
38F 2386 CALL 0x386
390 2B92 GOTO 0x392
391 2386 CALL 0x386
392 0008 RETURN
393 3000 MOVLW 0
394 00C8 MOVWF 0x48
395 0000 NOP
396 0000 NOP
397 3001 MOVLW 0x1
398 008A MOVWF 0xa
399 0848 MOVF 0x48, W
39A 21E0 CALL 0x1e0
39B 00C2 MOVWF 0x42
39C 0DC2 RLF 0x42, F
39D 3007 MOVLW 0x7
39E 00C9 MOVWF 0x49
39F 1107 BCF 0x7, 0x2
3A0 0DC2 RLF 0x42, F
3A1 238C CALL 0x38c
3A2 0BC9 DECFSZ 0x49, F
3A3 2BA0 GOTO 0x3a0
3A4 3001 MOVLW 0x1
3A5 008A MOVWF 0xa
3A6 0AC8 INCF 0x48, F
3A7 0848 MOVF 0x48, W
3A8 21E0 CALL 0x1e0
3A9 00C2 MOVWF 0x42
3AA 3008 MOVLW 0x8
3AB 00C9 MOVWF 0x49
3AC 0DC2 RLF 0x42, F
3AD 238C CALL 0x38c
3AE 0BC9 DECFSZ 0x49, F
3AF 2BAC GOTO 0x3ac
3B0 1507 BSF 0x7, 0x2
3B1 0008 RETURN
3B2 082C MOVF 0x2c, W
3B3 00C8 MOVWF 0x48
3B4 0000 NOP
3B5 0000 NOP
3B6 3002 MOVLW 0x2
3B7 008A MOVWF 0xa
3B8 0848 MOVF 0x48, W
3B9 2200 CALL 0x200
3BA 00C2 MOVWF 0x42
3BB 3008 MOVLW 0x8
3BC 00C9 MOVWF 0x49
3BD 1107 BCF 0x7, 0x2
3BE 0DC2 RLF 0x42, F
3BF 238C CALL 0x38c
3C0 0BC9 DECFSZ 0x49, F
3C1 2BBE GOTO 0x3be
3C2 0AC8 INCF 0x48, F
3C3 3002 MOVLW 0x2
3C4 008A MOVWF 0xa
3C5 0848 MOVF 0x48, W
3C6 2200 CALL 0x200
3C7 00C2 MOVWF 0x42
3C8 3008 MOVLW 0x8
3C9 00C9 MOVWF 0x49
3CA 0DC2 RLF 0x42, F
3CB 238C CALL 0x38c
3CC 0BC9 DECFSZ 0x49, F
3CD 2BCA GOTO 0x3ca
3CE 1507 BSF 0x7, 0x2

3DF 0000 NOP
3E0 30FF MOVLW 0xff
3E1 00BE MOVWF 0x3e
3E2 2380 CALL 0x380
3E3 0BBE DECFSZ 0x3e, F
3E4 2BE2 GOTO 0x3e2
3E5 0008 RETURN
3E6 0000 NOP
3E7 0000 NOP
3E8 3003 MOVLW 0x3
3E9 00BB MOVWF 0x3b
3EB 2BEA GOTO 0x3ea
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If you're posting code, then use the code tags to format it correctly.

Also, don't post the output of the assembler, post the peroper source code instead.
If you're posting code, then use the code tags to format it correctly.

Also, don't post the output of the assembler, post the peroper source code instead.

I ain't done yet. That's just a basic loops that jumps 10K steps. Man! You just made me break a toroid. A big one. A T-80-06. Crap!!!
I ain't done yet. That's just a basic loops that jumps 10K steps. Man! You just made me break a toroid. A big one. A T-80-06. Crap!!!

You should know better than to wrap and read

Haha the wrap and read Rap.

I'm came here from an asteroid, and I just wanna wrap my big toroid.
I read a little this, read a little that, next thing ya know my toroid splat...

Man I am ready for the looney bin...
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Really SV, edit out the mile long chain of MOV this and RET that. Just annoying to scroll past. But, then again, thats just me. Not telling you what to do or anything, although it sounded like I did. Guess I could word it different, but...
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Nigel owes me a toroid! I'm pissed. Those things don't grow on trees Nigel!

Gave him hell ....where's the devil icon?

Yeah, I'm a ways out from being done with it. I will post more as I go. It's just for 40 meters. It will replace the 11MHz VFO in my upconverter. Right now had to stop code because even scrambling step rate combinations, I still run unto some gaps. So guess what I'm doing????

Yep, you guessed it. A VXO for the processor. I know that Hartley will warp up in frequency very nicely. I'll be able to tune everything between push-button programming and tweeking the VXO.

Man, my 80 watt amp is working sweetly but pulling that VFO around too much. I swear the output from it is cleaner that form the 7 watt drive. But one guy said my frequency "wondered"....that was all it took. PLL time.
No what happened was, the core was alying on my dest in front of the computer, and I read what Nigel siad and said "WHAT!!" . So I reached across all the parts and the PLL board and started typing. Well my arm was a little sweaty and it picked up the core and fell off when I moved my arms back and hit the floor and broke right in half.
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