Last week at night, it rained after few months of winter. Next morning I fell down twice from motorbike. First time I almost got squeezed my balls from leg-guard and second time I got a hole in my pant near the knee. There was a truck sleeping upside down near the road too.
Motor bikes: great things, I love 'em, but bloody dangerous- just two bits of rubber the size of footprints keeping you from disaster. I had some incidents on bikes too:
It was January 1964, and the weather was quite mild after a cold snap. I was on a 150 mile trip doing around 40 MPH around a bend in the country, near Cambridge UK. Ahead was a long row of people waiting for a bus. Right away I saw the glint of the sun reflected from a long sheet of ice on the road in front of them. There was nothing I could do, so i just hung on. I can remember noticing the peoples legs passing by as the bike slid down the road on its tank and my foot. Finally the bike stopped at the last chap in the queue who said, "I enjoyed that. Can you do it again?"
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