Standard cheap SMT tactile off-mom switch

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Active Member
Does anyone have a P/N for the standard little off-momentary tactile switch that is on practically every demo board out there? SMT preferable. There are bunches out there but digikey wants 50c apiece for them, they have to be more common and cheaper than that. Thanks!
BTW this is for the MCLR pin on a PIC so it has to handle the ~13V my ICSP programmer drives (tough spec to meet I know ) but no real current.
Omron - B3S-1000P. For ref: Digikey SW836TR-ND
Quest B3S-1000P 1:$0.18 avail:1000

I have never used Quest looks like a good buy, is SMD.
**broken link removed**

I hope that helps.
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