start of relationship

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I took a real beat down one day standing up for a redheaded kid. I was part of the group and was told he couldn't come out into the yard so I went to him and told him I would stand up for him and not to be scared no matter what happened.

Well, I got it good. The House brother's made quick work of me. The Twins just laughed as they kicked the Shi.........te out of me on the ground.

The administration found out and got all of them in trouble. After that the kid could go out

But, I still wanted the Kid that started it all.

Maybe, he would have kicked my butt too !

At least it would have been one on one.

if i was you i would ask to meet during the day, at a coffee shop. Chat with her for a bit, tell her u never met up with someone off the internet before, realize she is as nervous as you... dadada if shes still there after the 1st cup of coffee and she hasnt drunk it quick and gone then she probably doesnt mind you, continue meeting for lunch or coffee a few times so you can gauge if she is attracted to you or not, if coffee/lunch is getting dull mix it with an activity like bowling and food. (maybe rece bowling alley 1st to make sure food is available at that time, does she only eat pasta etc do they serve pasta? lol women) keep it just friendly for a while (at least 3 meets)
be prepared she may do a runner at 1st cup of coffee, noone knows why, women are just strange, dont take it personally!
At the end of the day, women like to talk. Just watch a bunch of them having a 'conversation'. If you look a little more closely, it's not so much of a conversation, as an opportunity for one of them to speak whilst the rest are drawing breath.

Ask her if she'd like to meet for a coffee or something. Get her chatting and actually listen to what she is saying. She'll pause when she wants your input and your response is usually a question that let's her get on with it...

Her -
"So, blah, blah and bloody blah, and then I couldn't believe what she said next............."
You -
"What did she say?"
Her -
"Well, blah, blah etc, and then I took the dog to the Vet's....."
You -
"Oh, what's up with the dog?"
Her -
"Blah, blah....."

You get the idea. Providing she gets the opportunity to speak without interruption, she'll likely regard you as a good conversationalist.
Mickster, man it was so funny.
I certainly hope it will be that way, that all i'll have to do is shoot a few words every once in a while, it would be so easy.
Well, I certainly will update you regardig my relationship with her

Thanks pals!
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Yeah, just go for it and have fun. I have dated a hand full of girls I met online. (where else are us geeks gonna meet chicks ) Its nerve racking, but easier in some ways then getting up the courage to talk to a girl you don't know at a bar/club/whatever. If you met on a dating site you also know shes single and looking, somthing else left to chance in many other situations.

I think the internet dating sites are cooling somewhat in the wake of myspace and facebook, but its really not a bad way to meet people.

I happen to be married to a girl I met on a internet personals site. If theres hope for me, theres hope for anyone
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