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I just went to the demo link from the article, 1:05PM and 1:12PM EDT and nothing there yet.

Will check again later. Does anyone else have an other links?
I think it was 1:00 London time, not sure how that works out in real time... Could have been yesterday, might be tomorrow, maybe they just haven't decided yet...

Perhaps the only working prototype was 'stolen' or damaged in transit (roads aren't the smoothest from what I've heard...). After all the talk and debate, and any real information by Steorn, I totally expect to hear only excuse and delays. There are just too many things about it that point to a scam, Cold-Fusion seemed more possable...
It was 1PM London time, July 4. Then changed to 6PM London time. Recently updated to 11PM London time.

Maybe "the time variance in magnetic fields" is making it hard to keep track of the machine. They probably know where the machine is, but not when.
mneary.. :) They are waiting on the right solar flare to fire it up on.

I went to look, a camera out a window and the other three are down. Guess I will have to wait for the movie to come out.
The next we hear is a huge breaking news on CNN- "an entire six block area of London has just CEASED TO EXIST. Now this is the area in which Steorn promised to demonstrate their miraculous new device, at the time any relation is purely speculative however."

Somewhere right now, Wil Smith or Keanu Reeves is desperately trying to stop this catastrophic experiment and save the world. I think we're probably up the motorcycle chase scene by now.

I remember Tilley's magic self-recharging EV that required no electricity and drove on forever did some laps around the track for its well publicized demo (it had a bunch of deep cycle batteries and an electric motor in it but the batteries were supposed to recharge themselves somehow by the mere act of driving) and then declared "a wheel bearing failed" and they had to take it home for repairs.

Someone there actually had the same type of car and volunteered to swap their wheel bearing out to "fix" it so they could continue. Tilley declined. Nope, has to go back.
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Well, 6:00 Eastern time has come and gone. The "watch here" link on their website now says
Due to technical difficulties we will now be live from London on the 5th July.
It's like going to see a magic show, the challenge is to see if you can figure out how the illusions are done. This one has been in the works for a couple of years, so you would expect it to be a pretty well conceived trick. I imagine today will be another disappointing delay, to build the suspense, or perhaps to scam a few last minute dollars. Most great cons involve very little time to think about what you are doing. Sort of a last chance to get in cheap, before it goes public and the price goes way up... I expect it will be delayed another day or two, then put off for another month or two. Another demo scheduled, and so on until next spring, or when ever the 22 scientists are suppose to reveal their findings...
mneary said:
I like this one:
Our initial assessment indicates that this is probably due to the intense heat from the camera lighting.
Heck, they should take advantage of this. They could probably disguise a Stirling engine in the mechanism that would lift small weights.:rolleyes:
They have camera up pointing to some plastic wheel in a location in London. But the demo location is closed until tomorrow.

I am not betting it will be shown (working, whatever it is) tomorrow.
I think the whole thing is a bunch of rubbish.. Seeing the setup and all the hype though makes me interested in follwoing the developments. The thing is though, even if they show their device performing some work, I still won't believe it is a "free energy" device. At BEST, they have some more efficient energy conversion engine yet will fall shy of 100% efficiency.

Since the setup is in the art gallery, I can't help but feel that maybe they are looking at this whole thing from an art standpoint.:D

You know, there is really no right or wrong answer about art. It is all opinion .

"Of course, it should be just a matter of time until we know for sure. Steorn's CEO hypothesized that very hot lighting on the demonstration display case could have been the source of the trouble. "We think we've destroyed one of the bearings on the system," he told SiliconRepublic, concluding, "it's not the technology itself."

Camera lights destroy a bearing... Sounds way too delicate for a public demonstration. Obviously, no one will actually be allow to physically touch the device in any manner. Wonder if their choice of raising and lowering a weight gives it sort of a clockworks advantage for it to run long enough to convince the masses...

One of the points that keeps popping up is the claim that Steorn isn't seeking investors, or looking to profit. Obviously they've dumped some cash into this little scheme, where is the return or reward? If this thing were real, all the marketing and advertising money they spent could have funded a practical working model, which would have made a name for itself. Refusing any publically acknowledge funding, leads me to believe that money passed under the table is safe from the court systems, not to mention most people won't want to admit the were scammed in the first place.

Why wasn't this little demo setup and tested (practiced) before hand? A stage magician prepares for months, and usually runs through it trick several times at each location to make sure the illusions work (stage and seating vary). My guess is that they wanted to draw some attention, they knew the museum demo would fail to happen (such a small space, for such a huge claim?)...

Magnets and perpetual motion have been a common them for hundreds of years, wonder if this device has been done before. I'm sure the concept isn't origional. Perhaps another clue, too many devices from the past to search through, to find the one that best matches this scheme.
I read another news article that implied that the bearing damage was done during setup of the demo, and was repaired. It didn't seem to be related to the hot lights. I'm waiting with bated breath (or is that "wating with baited breath"?).:rolleyes:
Due to technical difficulties we will now be live from London on the 5th July.
OH NOZ! The oil companies must have finally gotten to them!

It's one of those quantum Heisenberg uncertainty things.

The technology works, but if there is something to observe or measure it, the process suddenly breaks.
Oznog said:
OH NOZ! The oil companies must have finally gotten to them!

It's one of those quantum Heisenberg uncertainty things.

The technology works, but if there is something to observe or measure it, the process suddenly breaks.

Well at least they did not all mysteriously disappear from the planet overnight.

But it looks like they got more hype out there. They are good at that.

Do they only have one working unit? Let alone not having a spare bearing?
They brought no spare parts?? Sheesh.

I really saw nothing other than a plastic case and maybe a couple guy walking around in "black suits". :)

I heard on the radio this AM the world is ending on 2012, so I think we have enough oil until then.
Did they say how the world would end? Hope it's not another flood...

Were those 22 'independent' scientist ever named, or was it kept secret to protect their crediability with their peers.

The most puzzling thing, why is the demo unit so tiny? A larger, more practical size would have been cheaper to build, easier to fine tune and repair. The lack of science and engineering is really starting to show through on this. From the video I saw when this thing start a while ago, don't remember it actually making one full revolution, mostly some dude's hands poking and tweeking just to get it to move a little. Didn't take it too serious, video over dial up isn't too good anyway...
Harvey, not by flood. We will be sucked in a black hole or poles will flip (it was a funny show though..

The *think they said" Myan indians calendar stops there and scientist today say there will be some planet alignment. Heck, I will be much older then, but fell sorry for you young guys :) Man that means I will miss out on Windows 2013 and to see if they ever got all the bugs out..

EDIT: Harvey, I just thought, we have to make 6 more hurricane season just to be suck into a black hole. We might not make it.
Didn't the calendar pretty much stop for the mayans when the spanish came...

I've been in this house almost 15 years and no significant storm damage. Lost half my privacy fence in 2004.

Last Steorn report I read didn't set a new date. Sounded like the model is F.B.R., no big surprise here. Guess we'll have to wait for the scientist reports in about 6 months. The Cold-Fusion thing resolved in weeks, don't see why this would take so long.
Forsale: free energy machine, never used, needs a bearing.. This is so BS. Here is a video link to the mastermind.

Glad he is not leading a war. Hey everyone, hold the on a second, I forgot the bullets.

**broken link removed**
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