step by step guide

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hm a track with 228 sleepers thats a long track

hi TC,

Depending upon which PIC you choose, its a good idea to look at the 'template' files in the MPLAB directory on your hard drive.
Assuming you are using the MPLAB IDE Vx, free from microchip.

C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\Template\Code

Make a copy of the parts of the PIC file type that you use, enter all the CONFIG and includes etc and make yourself a 'Header.asm' file.
Use this header file as the starting point for all your program writing, just tweak the CONFIG to suit the different applications you may work on.

thats basically what I want to do having figured out how to configure it for what i want I'm using the 18F88 unless I'm running one of nigels tutorials I have some 16F628's for that but I prefer the 16F88 as they seem to be no more trouble to program and have more stuff on them plus i have plenty of samples now
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The 16F88 is no problem, it's basically a higher featured version of the 16F628 - you just need to read the datasheet and turn off the extra features.
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