stepper motor control...pc and pic

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New Member
Hello...Ive been bitten by the cnc bug and have started construction on an aluminum 3 axis. I bought a 3 axis controller kit which interfaces with the PC through parallel port for software control. I'm curious if its possible to make a stand alone stepper controller that would tie into the parallel port connections to move each axis independently...with or without it connected to the computer. The idea is to be able to move each axis to the desired spot without having to hand crank it there...just not sure how to integrate it. would it be damaging to the PC if signals from the PIC controller went back to the parallel port? would I have to use diodes?

Ive attached a crude picture



  • controller.JPG
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Dump the parallel port, use a PIC to control the stepper motors, with it's own keys and display, plus add a serial port that can be controlled from the PC.
Dump the parallel port, use a PIC to control the stepper motors, with it's own keys and display, plus add a serial port that can be controlled from the PC.

sounds great!! im going to have to read how to use a serial port with
mach3 or similar cnc software. unless someone can give me a little
direction. THANKS
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