Stop watch, please help

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New Member
Im currently working on a project with Pic 16f877, simulating a stopwatch with 3 seven seg display. 1 shows munite, and other 2 show 00->59 secs.
Can someone give me a sample code for it? I just need a counter of TMR1 and update the display every 1 sec. No buttons.
I will be so grateful for any replies.
Newbie 911

Use timer2, it's a lot easier - I'm currently playing with timer2 running a clock - displaying hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths on an LCD module. I'll probably be adding it as a tutorial later this year - from what I've got so far it would be extremely simple to add stopwatch facilities, and I'll be doing so as part of the tutorial.
Oh Nigel, I visited you web tutorial. It is greatly helpful. If you dont minde, is it possible to give me some hints / sample code?
911 said:
Oh Nigel, I visited you web tutorial. It is greatly helpful. If you dont minde, is it possible to give me some hints / sample code?

Send me your email address in a PM and I'll send you my existing code when I get home - what clock frequency are you using?.
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