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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Stun Gun

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nzoomed said:
Hi there, i am having trouble finding the EC104M SCR on your schematic, i cant find any suppliers on google either, is there an alternative part number?
also with the transformer, is the bobbin used for winding the cores only? or does it stay on, with the fair rite core slipping in the middle of the bobbin.

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I'm never create one of them.
It seems dangerous.... I don't want these american stick touches my face :( :confused:
What about killing-gun that kills any mosquito. Just make it stronger, and it will kill animal too. :D
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If you guys seriously want a stun gun, I am probably going to get assigned to design one at work for a government contract. I won't be able to post any details, but I can certainly whip up something outside of work based on the experience/knowledge learned in the R&D phase of the project.
Here are some things which your research has/will discover(ed):

1) If you want to stun someone producing a condition of muscular tetanus, high voltage DC will be MUCH more effective than AC. It is also far less likely to cause fibrilation and death.

2) You'll want to deliver about 100mA DC but far less than 500mA DC. If 100mA AC were applied, this would be quite likely to cause fibrilation and death. Your safety window using DC is MUCH better.

3) Spacing of contacts and application site will determine what resistance you are putting your voltage through. Training in use is going to be just as important as design of the device.
On the same line, no matter what you do, it won't even put some down - yet some will die from it - there's a huge range of people out there!.

Has anyone seen the multiple tazers shot in the guy with the Katana? (samurai sword) - I think it was Australia or New Zealand?. Despite two or three tazers stuck in him it didn't stop him at all - eventually they called the fire bridgade, and blew him against a awall with a fire hose! :D
Perhaps he was wearing a conductive layer under his clothing.
I believe the government has waveforms/standards we have to meet, and I don't know how much freedom we have within those. Testing will be done on pigs.
These will be live :) And it'll be coming at them from a shoulder-fired device as a projectile up to 100yards away.

Poor piggies :)
If the thing can travel 100 yards then it would go right through you if you are close.
It's meant to keep people at a distance without killing. If they get too close I wouldn't be surprised if the DOD is going to use 556 rounds instead...
Ready Made

Take a look at this Ebay Listing : 150129983914

Ready made module, save you lots of trouble to build one from scratch
output 100,000 VDC plused.

Ideally a stun gun designed to take out a single target at up to 100 yards would use a laser to range to the target and adjust the output velocity accordingly. After planting the electrode fork in the target it could measure resistance and calculate what voltage would be needed to deliver the target amperage. Such a device would be the size of a rifle.
TheVictim said:
Ideally a stun gun designed to take out a single target at up to 100 yards would use a laser to range to the target and adjust the output velocity accordingly. After planting the electrode fork in the target it could measure resistance and calculate what voltage would be needed to deliver the target amperage. Such a device would be the size of a rifle.

And it will still kill some victims, and have hardly any effect on others - essentially you're just creating a longer range Tazer - cool though! :D
Having limited medical knowledge maybe there is other physiological information that can be obtained from the electrode fork before and after an initial shock is applied to adjust the output after the device has attached. Time is another factor. You can measure a resistance instantly, but you might not have time to pick up anything else.
If you limit the current to a certain value than the resistance won't be important, whether the person is 1k or 100k they'll still recieve the same current.
need help

hi im new here, and im trying to build a stungun using my schools tech supplies :D so i have good access to lots of components.

ive read through numerous posts and seen lkots of circuit diagrams and one thing that totally confuses me is the components that amplify the voltage, T1 i think its called in this circuit, many of the sites ive been on tell me i have to make one of these with layers of wire and glue, but some say i can use a miniture audio amplifier...what do these amplifiers look like and are they easy to get my hands on? if so, what type do i need to get for this particular circuit.

My impressions of this site is that it is a nice community, and im sure many of you can help me greatly

Many thanks, Kippers.
It's a transformer.

It increases the voltage by the turns ratio.

It doesn't make energy from nothing, the voltage is increased so the current is reduced, remember VI = Power.

Normally the ouput voltage is even higher than you'd expect be cause the current is suddenly interrupted in the primary causing a high voltage which is multiplied again by the secondary.

Look up transformers and ignition coils on Wikipedia.

You could also ask your physics theacher he/she will probably be able to offer you an excellant explanation.
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