Audio transformers used to be used in the valve days to math the amplifier's high impedance to an 8
hm speaker. They are esentially step down transformers and can be used as step up transformers when connected in reverse.
The flyback effect can also increase a transformer's ability to step up the voltage. Suppose a mains transformer has a turns ratio of 1:12 and a 12V battery is connected to the primary, then suddenly disconnected. When the current in the primary is disconnected, the transformer's inductance keeps the current going, the voltage might reach 120V or so. This is steped up by the secondary to give 1.2kV which can cause sparks.
The flyback effect can also increase a transformer's ability to step up the voltage. Suppose a mains transformer has a turns ratio of 1:12 and a 12V battery is connected to the primary, then suddenly disconnected. When the current in the primary is disconnected, the transformer's inductance keeps the current going, the voltage might reach 120V or so. This is steped up by the secondary to give 1.2kV which can cause sparks.