Substitute momentary button for PIR help.

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Hi Everyone,
I have a small project I need to make. I have a Parallax PIR sensor (PDF attached). I have a recording device that turns on with the push of a momentary tactile button. I want to replace that button with the PIR. I need something that will take the TTL signal and momentarily close a contact. I can't use a relay due to the clicking sound it will put out. It MUST be silent. I don't know of any other alternatives except a solid state relay. I'mhoping there is another method I can use. It needs to run on 5vdc. I will use a type 4LR44 6v battery with a 79L05 voltage regulator. I need to keep size down also. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • PIRSensor-V1.2.pdf
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Hi Dennis,

may be you can use this circuit. It is triggered with every high pulse provided the HCF4027 returns low between pulses.

Both outputs can be used going high alternatingly with clock pulses.

The schematic shows +12V supply voltage, but you can use it without changes for +5V supply.



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