Substitutions of e-parts

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New Member
Hi, if there is any good site or pdf for electronics part's names which have same or similar functionality
So, that we can use in our project as a substitue. if we do not finds some one....
ibrar0 said:
Hi, if there is any good site or pdf for electronics part's names which have same or similar functionality
So, that we can use in our project as a substitue. if we do not finds some one....

Valve (British) = Vacuum Tube (USA)

Do you mean like:

1N914 == 1N4148

You can use either of these diodes in a small signal application. I suggest that creating such a resource is a daunting task. What would motivate the creators? The good wishes of a grateful community?
ibrar0 said:
ok then can any one guid and tell replacement of TL072 amps used in audio amplifier????

Use a TL072 - it's a current part and is freely available from a number of manufacturers.
There are thousands of different opamps in the world. I know some of the American and European ones, but I don't know Oriental ones.

If you can't get ordinary common parts then do gardening instead of electronics.
The ARRL (American Radio Relay League, ham radio) publishes a handbook every year. In most of the editions there is a chapter devoted to just that subject. You might also search other electronics publications such as Nuts & Volts.
thnks steves,
i was too much dis-hearted by audio guru, who was advising me to join gardening, though i am beginner , thats why i think senior proud on themselves
I think you can look for guides then post something here when you don't quite understand. To get the best response you should describe the application possibly providing a schematic diagram. You need to be specific on exactly which part you intend to substitute and we'll try to advise.
Learning how to source parts is a step that you should learn sooner rather than later. Since the suppliers and import process may vary by country, you must include your location in your profile! I could have wasted my time giving you a location in Southern California and you'd come back and say I'm stupid because you can't get here from Korea or wherever.
Maybe you can go on a forum in your country and ask local people in your own language where they get parts. Or do gardening instead!
Hi, if there is any good site or pdf for electronics part's names which have same or similar functionality
I would use to find the specs on the part.
Then do a search using the specs from the datasheet on a site like this;keywords=opamp
Since we don't know the EXACT circuit you intend to use this part in it is impossible for us to suggest the proper alternative.
audioguru said:
Or do gardening instead!
That would only work if the soil has a high mineral content:


  • Plant.JPG
    42.1 KB · Views: 261
Well that's difficult isn't it.
SAME is a cross-reference, that is, it's the same part just a different numbering system.
SIMILAR depends on your application! I can pick up a diode and find another 100 which will are faster, some of which have negative characteristics though, cost being one likely negative factor.

Digikey has the best search engine for looking up parts. Still quite flawed but far better than Mouser and others.
kchriste said:
That would only work if the soil has a high mineral content:
The poor guy who lives in the middle of a desert and his local "market" doesn't stock common electronic parts would find growing a plant a challenge. To keep the plant and himself watered enough to stay alive.
doesn't stock common electronic parts
something may be common in your city,it is not necessary that will must available in my country,
if you don't have patience, for newcomers questions you may also join gardening where no one(e.g plants) can ask you question which makes you hot.......?
its my advise to you audio_guru be patience....and calm.....
similar functionality means simple op-amp if we want to simple amplify signal we can use 741,lm358 etc.
if you don't hav good answer to any post of this are not forced to may listen music...or audio...
I can buy any electronic part at a local electronic parts store or online.
I can buy any plant at a local plants store.
I have seen markets but I buy food in a grocery store.

I haven't used a lousy old 741 or LM358 opamp for many years. I use common modern low-noise, low distortion and wide bandwidth opamps.
ibrar0 said:
doesn't stock common electronic parts
something may be common in your city,it is not necessary that will must available in my country,

If you had your location filled in, we would know what country you live in! - as you don't, we can only assume that you live in a civilised country with good facilities.

Your location is in your profile for a good reason, so make use of it!.
You may be assuming that your question has a good answer. Not all questions do have good answers. The fact of the matter is that there is no comprehensive electronic parts cross reference that is freely available to the members of the general public. Electronics distributors have such a facility, but you need to be a customer. You may not like the answers you get here, but why should we sugar coat reality to cater to your sensitive feelings?
chir said:
hey does any body thought o transduser to convert sound into light
A microphone is a transducer to convert sound to an electrical signal.
Then an electronic circuit converts the electrical signal to any kind of light of any color that you want.
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