switch debounce circuit

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New Member

could anyone give me any switch de-bounce circuits or tell me where to find them?

the switch is used to clock a 3-bit counter using d-types


A quick search for the word "debounce (or de-bounce)" comes up with 21 matches in these forums. You might start there. Doing a simple search helps reduce the problem of generating multiple threads on the same subject.
Below is a simple de-bounce circuit. It uses two cross-coupled NAND gates and a double pole switch. It runs off +5v and it ideal for logic circuits. It should be quite simple and small to construct.

I hope this has been of some use to you.


  • bounceless_DP_switch.jpeg
    5.6 KB · Views: 1,074
elec123 said:

could anyone give me any switch de-bounce circuits or tell me where to find them?

the switch is used to clock a 3-bit counter using d-types


I posted one some time ago in response to someone's post. Go into my profile and initiate a search of my posts.

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