Hi I and J,
10K pullup on SWITCH PIN, yes. I'll remove the 104 Cap.
The GPS is powered at 5V, and outputs 3.3V. The USB to SERIAL has a 3.3V jumper. All signals are 3.3V
1/ With the GPS OUTPUT connected and feeding one side of the switch, and an HC-12 INPUT feeding the other side. A separate computer with a TERMINAL OUTPUT via a second HC-12 transmitting a test STRING e,g, $BASE,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,? (This is ONLY a TEST message)
The separate computer should RECEIVE all of the HSEROUTs from the PCB, on the terminal screen. It has had spells of working! At the moment with the attached PARSE, the TERMINAL doesn't show a calculated reply, also no LEDs ON.
2/ With one track of the oscilloscope connected to the PIC RX and the other track moving between the GPS and the HC-12, both are showing as expected, on their OUTPUTs but the RX PIN shows occasional crossover.