Switching Via Button

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Hey, I need a little help. i've searched everywhere, but without sucess, i have a friend thats into cars and gadgets, he have a setup of 4 Single Throw Toggle switches that he uses for his Neons and Sub amp and some other lights, and a power thing... anyways. He was asking me how (If possible) hard would it be to make a circuit that would let him use just a single Momentary on push on button to turn the feature on and off.
I told him to just use push on/push off buttons. but he didnt want 2.
so my question.

How would i make a circuit that would let me use a single Momentary Push on button, to turn on and off the circuit?

if it had a 2 point (as in (1) and (2) that got latched) that would be fine.. actually exactly what im after...

Thank you for anyone and everyone who took the time to help me..

A simple way is to use a PIC, my tutorial 2.2 at does just what you want, toggling four outputs from four momentary contact push switches. You could easily modify it to use upto eight switches and eight outputs.

To do it with just discrete IC's would be more complicated, requiring latches and debouncing circuits.
Im a complete Newbie.

Thanks for the fast reply.
I thought i should tell you that I dont really know much bout electronics.
I've made a few circuits on my own. annd alot more from kits.

So basically i havent got the slightest idea on how to make the circuit to use the PIC, can you help me with that?

With regards to that program for the PIC it...
Allows the user to
press say (button1) and (LED1) will light also latching (Latch1) -((Which will turn on say the neons))
then the user can.
press (button2) and (LED2) will light also latching (Latch2) -((Which will turn on the.. other lights))
and so on up 2 switch 4..

is this correct?
Alright... if I understand you right, all you need is a simple latching circuit. Very easy. I'll draw up a schematic for you, but I need to know for each push-button, how many things need to be switched? Two? A PIC is WAY too advanced for such an easy circuit.

Edit... or, I could be wrong about what you want... does it need to latch on when you press it once, then latch off when you press it the second time?

The whole point of using a PIC is how it simplifies a design, in this case reducing it to a single IC, and hardly any support components - basically just the 5V power supply (78L05 and two capacitors), and your output drivers - which would be required with a discrete solution as well.
reply to post 3

That exactly it. my mates gonna be latching some neons, and the remote wire to his sub, and a few leds, and a power circuit for his CB radio, total i don't think it will be going anywhere over 12V 1.5A.

and if so, is it possible to just change a transistor(if there are transistors in the circuit) to latch the higher requirment? say if he wants to make his number plate lights turn off and on as required.

But thats it. press button (A) and latches an output, press button (A) again and the output is un-latched.

Thank you heaps for your reply.
I mean, for beginner not simpler as this:


  • on_off_190.gif
    3.8 KB · Views: 863

Hey everyone, thank you heaps for the help.
I had a little search on the DSE/Jaycar websites for all the parts and they didnt have many... I think i'll have to search for them somewhere else.

Sorry about the delay in writing back, i've been working heaps.

The circuit above this post.. im having trouble understanding it.
Its runnning on an IC... But where are the latching outputs... or the changing outputs....

Thank you again!
A single T type flip flop will do the trick. A T type flip flop switches its output everytime you have a rising edge on the input. You can make one from a set-reset flipflop if you can't find a T type.

Oh! Cool! that would be handy also.. But who do i make that circuit? I no very little about electronics.
Sweet! that one looks like the one!

This one looks really simple.. for ppl like me to make.. Just a question though.. what the 15 at the bottom (next 2 the resistor) 15 ohm or 15k?
and also are the 22uF caps. 16V ? or something else?

thanks for the replys everyone.. im gonna make everyone of them and test them all, might write a review!

Second circuit i need to ask about..
I have 6 LEDs i want to fad in different orders.. 2 are blue, 2 are red, and 2 are green. RGB, so 2 sets of 3 LEDs, so i have Set 1 and Set 2.
Set one start at a completely random colour to Set 2 (different circuit i guess)
But i wan't the circuit to fade through the colours, RGB if possible fade at random. as in, circuit choose colour to fade 2..

thanks again

RGB-effects: i've programmed a PIC 12c508 as colourfader, random colourchanger, strobe (fading or random), dimmer for R,G,B,white for one RGB-triple. Speed is adjustable for each effect. Operated via 6 buttons or an IR remote control. Also changing fixed effects by turning off and on supply voltage is possible (uses PIC 12f629).
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