Tarred and De-feathered.!

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Someone emailed me this image, thought it may raise a smile.

BTW: the sender was female, I wonder if the female sex see us this way.?

I went to the store the other day and the check-out lady asked me if I wanted a bag. I said: no thanks, I got one at home....
About this time last year I felt like I was the picture on the left.

I have been married since August 1 2011 and so far I think she has pecked enough of my feathers out to make me feel pretty close to the center pic.
I think I'm working backwards. I was at the plucked and feathered stage when I got 'caught' she's been kicking my arse back into good health ever since. I think I'm at the middle stage right now. The clucky Rooster will probably be a half dozen years or so.
My relationship with my wife is better now than it was when I first met her 18 years ago; I tend to wonder why it is so many -men- seem to think that they have it so rough? If it really is that bad (and there aren't any children involved - indeed, sometimes that can be the root of the problem for some people; fortunately, my wife and I realized long ago that we were too selfish for children, and we don't intend on -ever- having any), then get out of the relationship; staying in such a relationship does nothing for the health and sanity for either of you. Then again, some people just have to have drama in their life (and boy, do they hate it when they see you don't, and doubly so when they try to suck -you- into -their- problems, and you refuse to reciprocate). Ah, well; I'm just glad to have what I got, and know that the grass over here is green enough for me.
non of those birds are over two years both middle and far right are first molts far right is a stress molt
Ghostman, the progression of the images is inferred to be from the start, adjustment, and then later years of a marriage on a human scale, which is sadly enough only 11 years on average, not much better than the average life of a chicken.

You're over analyzing a joke.
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