TDA2822 Power Amp

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As in your diagram,i wonder why pin 3 is not use?
Pin 3 is the output of the second amplifier that you are not using. You would use pin 6 and pin 3 if you are making a stereo amplifier.

At the end of the output terminal,why the snubber network consist of 4.7k ohm and 0.1uF?
It is 4.7 ohms and 0.1uf. They are the amplifier's load at high frequencies when the inductance of a speaker or no load is a high impedance which causes the amplifier to oscillate.
Sorry,typing error.It should be 4.7 ohm.My load is earphone 16 ohm.I wonder why the snubber network is 4.7 ohm.

The snubber network is for stability.Like audioguru said,it will prevent oscillation to occur.

Well,after see the diagram post by audioguru,I has a question also.The phone jack for earphone has a 3 terminal.1 right,1 left and 1 ground.If the output is only 1 line,how we connect it to phonejack from pin 1?

Sorry for joining this thread indirectly.
Stereo headphones are driven from a mono amplifier by connecting the left wire in parallel with the right wire so both ears are driven.
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