Testing Code on a PC

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys i just wanted to know if this is a good idea... or a waste of time...

I will be starting a ton of UI type work and dont have LCDs as of yet but its fine. I wanted to know if it would be a good idea to practice using C# or C++ and a simple picture box with the size of a LCD (pixel wise) and do basic code with arrays and such to learn how to keep pixels in a array and lets say add a image over a image.

So lets say i have a 128x128 lcd. And a image as the background. And i want to open a simple image of 30x30 but still leave that image intact with this other image over it. You think its a waste of time coding it in C#/C++ and then porting to PIC/ARM/XMOS ?

I would of course use basic arrays and stuff i know i can use on a PIC and such (C code) and not use any special librarys only those used to display on PC.

Do you understand what i mean?
Simply stay away from the ++ extensions and use C++.

The code should be very easy to port.

So not a waste. You also get to use a better IDE.
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Great! Thanks. Ill be sure to not use ++ extensions. Of course my code will be available on my site when done and every update in progress
Use C# and/or C++ for the stuff in the PC.

Use only plain C and/or ASM in the microcontrollers.

However, higher level languages such as BASIC and Pascal do exist in microcontrollers too.
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