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The Cool parts thread

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For a "concrete" example, there's nothing in that paragraph at the bottom of the page that gives any specific reasons why this problem was intractable until fuzzy came along and saved the day.

You want to know WHY ? Talk to crashsite !

I do not know why and the answer may or may not exist somewhere on the web. Have fun looking.

You can apply the same question (gripe) to nearly (possibly everything) AI has done.

It doesn't even say the problem couldn't be solved another way.

Let me give you a counterexample: simulated annealing. On first blush, this seemed preposterous and fuzzy sounded like a good idea. Working with multivalued logic sounds practical, growing crystals doesn't appear to have much to do with anything. But underneath it, SA stands up there with genetic algorithms and neural networks: calculating local minimums, breaking ice with noise - innovative math that can do complex system analysis. In contrast, fuzzy seems to be getting by on nothing but a sexy name. Look at those probability functions in definitions 7 and 8, the whole thing degenerates into a series of "if... then" statements. And the hedge functions are more like a comedy routine than math.

Need to read an write files on a microSD card with your microcontroller?
Here's a cool part that can do it with fewer headaches -
**broken link removed**
It hangs off a serial port and lets you save your programming energy for the important stuff.
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duffy said:
But underneath it, SA stands up there with genetic algorithms and neural networks: calculating local minimums, breaking ice with noise - innovative math that can do complex system analysis.

As I have been trying to say Fuzzy Logic was not my field and I have not done any hard core AI since I graduated. Perhaps it has been discredited. There has always been detractors but I have not see anything concrete.

As long as you are willing to other AI tools like genetic algorithms and neural networks then I am a happy man. I am concerned with the misconceptions regarding AI rather then Fuzzy Logic.

Some of the stuff done in AI does not pan out. Some of it lies dormant for years. AI solves the hard problems. Once it is solved it is not an AI topic.

So you don't know that much about it, but you are willing to derail an otherwise good thread defending it.

I'm starting to remember why I haven't been logging in here recently.
So you don't know that much about it, but you are willing to derail an otherwise good thread defending it.

I'm starting to remember why I haven't been logging in here recently.

It takes two to tango ! Further had you not defamed what you do not understand it would never have been an issue. Yes I do not want to take the time and catch up with it. Call me lazy, or maybe I just do not want to fight about it.

Either of us could have agreed to disagree two pages ago !
This one is as much on your back as mine.

3v0 said:

Fuzzy logic is useful stuff but the term "Fuzzy logic" is jargon.

Is there a full moon coming again? :eek:

Hey now. play nice! ;)
your confusing some of us.
So fuzzy logic is not a moldy uC? :p
Nothing on my part! :D

I have enough trouble understanding some of the grey area logic methods as is let alone what constitutes the area of terminology it fits into.
For whats it worth I can see where something that works in a grey area or non conventional application does score a justified 'cool parts' status. :)
Nothing on my part! :D

I have enough trouble understanding some of the grey area logic methods as is let alone what constitutes the area of terminology it fits into.
For whats it worth I can see where something that works in a grey area or non conventional application does score a justified 'cool parts' status. :)

Hi tcmtech,

why don't you calm down a bit, like you did before without harming you?

This is said by a fatherly friend of yours who you should know well enough, your always watching Herman the German.

Take it easy, but just take it! You can't make the globe turn anti-clockwise. So change things you really can change - and there is a lot to change all over the world - until we get a real world wide community.

This is one thing I have been praying for all my life, although I was soldier and used to killing (what else?)

Godfather, may the world live in peace!


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Sorry Boncuk.
I guess my recent bad run of things in regards to my home and work life has gotten me uptight. Two businesses that represent about 1/4 - 1/3 of my annual income shut down and have me in a bind. Plus I got shot down on a badly needed home equity loan due to an old loan that got screwed up which I had years ago with another bank.
The old bank had sold off that loan to anther bank back then who did the same and so on. My payments were not reaching the loan holders in time and built up late payment points. Basically I was the bad person because they sent my loan jumping from bank to bank faster than the payments I was sending could be transfered to the right place. :mad:
Being a cash in hand type person I have never had concerns about my credit rating because I simply dont normally use credit. Because of that it also knocked my rating down further for being financially responsible and thusly have no credit references because I dont use credit cards. :(

This loan was intended for major house and shop repair and improvements. Now the roof ,siding, insulation, and windows wont get replaced for another year (or more) and I wont have a heatable shop for another year as well.
Because of this I will likely need to drop my business and go back to working for someone full time just to break even this year. :mad:

Anyway I will watch myself closer and you now know whats bugging me lately. Sorry I took it out on the forum.
Here is another potential cool part. A Op amp that can operate with a 40 V supply.

**broken link removed**
This one is the coolest part ever discovered, in my opinion.
Wow!! :)

Care to elaborate on it?
Inquiring minds what to know! :D

(what is it or was it?):p
The old bog-standard audio op amp, the NE5532, can handle +/-20V rails without a problem (Absolute max according to the spec sheet is +/-22V). It's not RRIO or anything though, just a good old bipolar audio op amp.
Since we are comparing op amp IC's heres an interesting one I came across sometime ago on a circuit board out of some industrual controler device.
I cant say I have found a real honest application or use for it but still a +- 145V op amp is still cool in my book!:)

Perhaps I may use it as a driver for a power line level output signal amplifier for my signal generator.:eek:


  • 3581 High Voltage Op Amp IC.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 349
Since we are comparing op amp IC's heres an interesting one I came across sometime ago on a circuit board out of some industrual controler device.
I cant say I have found a real honest application or use for it but still a +- 145V op amp is still cool in my book!:)

Perhaps I may use it as a driver for a power line level output signal amplifier for my signal generator.:eek:

That is cool, thanks for the link. :)
Check this out
A non very interesting task, done by a very interesting device.

It would be a great background for a terror movie.

By the way, that reminds me a story that an elevator Technician told me:
It was about "the killer elevator": a very, very old piece of machinery installed on an old famous building.

Sure, it included scary sparky relays, black painted cabinets and old wires (like the 4th attached picture). A repair man died when the elevator cabin beheaded him. Another one died by electrocution. Nice place to work.


And how exactly does this pertain to the post topic?

Sorry If I sound testy but this post did have the potential to become a way for folks to share and dispense useful information on their latest finds of cool electronic parts. Instead this thread has detoured into a conduit of drivel ranging from fuzzy parts to useless photos of the first IC.

If you want to post your cool photo, might I suggest you start a new thread.

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