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New Member
My knowledge to wiring anything is very limited. Limited to the point of non-existant. I really need some help with a future project. Along with the build, I would love to gain some basic knowledge. My plans are to build an led panel for the growth of corals in a marine aquarium. I have not purchased the LEDs yet, nor any other items needed for the build. There has been one site I was refered to for this build. Ledwizard or something of that sort, but I don't understand what I'm reading. My plan is to build a panel 1/3 blue LEDs, 2/3 white. I would like to wire the blue and white on seperate plugs. 2 rows white, 1 row blue so on and so forth. The panel would be 36"x20" with LEDs spaced an inch apart. Starting with an inch border around the whole thing, so led-wise it would be 34 LEDs x 18 LEDs. If someone can map this out for me and help me understand things such as forward current etc. I'd really appriciate it. I would also like to learn how I'm supposed to calculate what I need. I'm a blank canvas asking to be slapped with some paint. Can anyone help shed some light on this? Also, for me, this sounds very challenging, is this a challenging task? Not filling my head with knowledge, because that's challenging enough, but building such a panel? Thank you.
Ps. I was going to go with 3 250w metal halide bulbs and 4 96w CFL bulbs. Will the power consumption be much less, more, or equal to what I would like to build?
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