Thin red & black figure 8 cable?

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New Member
Need a supplier for thin red and black figure 8 cable of the type and thickness often used on PC fans. It's a bit like two cores peeled off a ribbon cable, but red and black. Just can't seem to find any. Have tried Farnell, Rapid and RS, but no luck.

I could use two strands of single hook up wire twisted together, but the project would look much better, I think, if I could find the cable described.

Please help if you can.

Thanks, John.
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It's called zip chord cause it's made from unlinked plastics, which means it tears just like a zip cord right across the focus of any weakness. The cylanders that form the main conductors are very structurally sound so the plastic almost always tears right down the webbing inbetween.
A zapper? I'm not even sure what you're talking about. First thing that comes to mind is a TV remote control though.
Bell wire doesn't really make sense to me, the kind of wire in question is typically stranded, bell wire is typically solid core. I'd never even really heard the term figure 8 cable till I looked it up because of this post and it makes perfect sense that it's called that because it's sliced profile is a figure 8 shape because of the two insulation layers.
A zapper? I'm not even sure what you're talking about. First thing that comes to mind is a TV remote control though.

Likewise, I've heard it (very occasionally) used to describe a remote control - but in the last three years or so the manufacturer Humax has started using it to describe a non-PVR digital satellite receiver - I was wondering if anyone else had heard of it?.

Bell wire here was usually stranded.
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