In the meantime, I'm going to pop a post in the PIC section re the possibility of someone being able to help draft a few lines of code for a 12C509 etc.
I read your post in the PIC section -- either a slightly different project, or the spec has moved on a little bit?
If you think of what you are trying to do slightly differently, I reckon you could do it with just two CMOS ics.
Instead of looking for two switch presses within a fixed time window, why not have the 'B' led output controlled by a single much longer switch press?
So - every time you press the switch, it fires a 1 second monostable (output 'A'). If you want output 'B' to activate, press and hold the switch for say 1 second -or more? Just select the delay time constant to suit.
Subsequent 'quick' switch presses just activate output 'A' each time. Press, and hold, the switch for the longer time, to toggle 'B' off again.
Much easier than the 'double press' -at least using logic it is. Don't know about the PIC. From what I've read these little beasties are very versatile at this kind of task.
You just have to make the initial commitment in learning how to code. Not my thing, I'm afraid!