Timer Alarms

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New Member
I have this project...

Design, fabricate and test a device that will autonomously provide signals (visual, audio
and/or others, creativity appreciated) as close as possible to two times following
initiation. One signal shall be after 30 seconds. The second signal shall be at a time
between 13 and 24 seconds, the exact time to be determined by the toss of a pair of dice
only three minutes before initiation. The operation of the device must be visible
throughout the “run”. The device shall weigh less than 10 pounds, the lighter the better

the way I want to go about this is to use circuits somehow...what do you guys think would be the best way to achieve this?

Thank you in advance!
the operation of the device must be visible? like as in mechanical timers and stuff?
does the device somehow read the dice or do you type it in?
why would this thing weigh 10 pounds?
The device will not read the dice but it will have to activate twice, once at 30 seconds and, the second time will be determined by the dice. I will need to adjust the device, after the roll of the dice, then it must be able to signal (visual, audio, and/or others)! Something like a timed alarm or timed mechanical device that can activate a signal!

the 10 pounds was just a limitation the professor gave us...

thank you in advance for your ideas.
A 1 second oscillator (555) feeding three 4017s with an LED on each output so you can see it operating. A diode at output 30 and on outputs 13-24 via jumpers to a transistor feeding a buzzer. Select the correct jumper before starting.

Thanks a lot Mike...what would this look like? because I need to make a sketch of it and I have no clue what this would look like...any references?

Thank you again
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