Timing with no WAIT

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Thanks Ian,

Looking forward to trying it tomorrow.

Now back to watching rockets on TV. (Error removed)

EDIT:1/ Changed the 'comma-space' to 'dot' and it compiled. See error gif
2/ Only when the TMR1H/L was placed before the IF, would it enter the numbers into the SFRs
3/ Is the TMR1 GIF relevant?



  • Error.gif
    11.7 KB · Views: 288
  • TMR.gif
    47.7 KB · Views: 281
  • TMR1.gif
    116.4 KB · Views: 284
Last edited:

Here is the full program, that I want to add my PACE idea to. You will see there is some ASM for PWM at CCP1/2

In the TMR.GIF in post#21 you can see that nothing appears in the TMR1/2 SFRs also TIME does not increment. In the full program I have now changed the variable TIME to PACE.



  • 18F2431 AZ with PACE 161215 1400.txt
    7.6 KB · Views: 355
Hi Camerart!!

A couple of queries!! PORTA = 0x1C..

That gives INX, QEA and QEB an input..... BUT!! The two buttons are connected to PORTA 6 & 7.... AND PORTA.0 (AN0) is set up as an analogue input BUT you specify that PORTA 0 & 1 are connected to NFET's???

Hi Ian,

Well spotted, probably from a POT input test program.

PORTA should = 0xDC 110111000.
PORTA.0 should be digital

ADCON0 = %00000000 'A/D Control Register 0
ADCON1 = %00000000
ADCON2 = %10100001 'Not sure>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ADCON3 = %00000000
ADCHS = %00000000 'A/D Channels select
ANSEL0 = %00000000 'Analogue select Register 0
OSCCON = %01110010 'internal 8Mhz clock (Should bit0 be 1?)
TRISB = %00000000 'OUT 4,LED
TRISC = %11000000 'IN 7RX-OUT-6TX-5#-4#-3#-2PWMFOR-1PWMREV

Hopefully these are now correct??


[I have re-named the title from INTERRUPT to WAIT, which is what I was looking for]

Thanks to Ian Rogers and others, I now have 2x TIMER (0 and 1) code, one of which I can use in my main program. Attached:



  • 182431 INT 8Mhz TIMER0 LOOP TIMER 211215 0900.txt
    1.3 KB · Views: 269
  • 182431 INT 8Mhz TIMER1 LOOP TIMER 201215 1030.txt
    1.1 KB · Views: 312
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