TK3 to USB

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New Member
I no longer have a PC with a parallel port, i want to use my TK3 and the John Becker tutorial. I tried one of these USB to parallel/printer port adaptors but but the PC does not see the TK3 board. I am running Win 7 in the Win 98 mode.
Thanks Nigel, Will the Pickit2 work with the EPE tututorials, and how does it connect to the TK3 (Magenta version). Thanks for the very prompt reply.
Any correctly written PIC code will work with the PICKit2 - the PK2 is an ICSP programmer, so you may be able to connect it to the tutorial side of the TK3 board, ignoring (or removing) the TK3 programmer part.

Comparing the PK2 ICSP connections (explained in the documentation) and the TK3 should make it obvious what you need to do.
Just googled TK3 as I didn't know what it was and I found, **broken link removed**.

Thanks guys i will have a look at the suggestions, i will get a Pickit2 and make the interface board and take it from there. Very sad to hear about John Becker, i have followed many of his articles in EPE...
Thanks guys i will have a look at the suggestions, i will get a Pickit2 and make the interface board and take it from there. Very sad to hear about John Becker, i have followed many of his articles in EPE...

Yes, very sad about him, he wrote some great articles.
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