traffic light circuit

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swallow bird

New Member
I have to build a traffic light(red-50s & green-30s) with 74ls192(3 IC),Lm555,relays,logic gates(AND,NAND,OR,NOT),7-segments and 74ls47.could someone help me with this circuit?
I dunno where to use relays and logic gates,also I wanna know how three 74ls192 connect to each other?
I've made a similar circuit with a CMOS 4017. I haven't looked at the datasheet, but there should be a "carry" pin so you can link the final output to the input on the next IC for it to keep counting along.
Use the diodes to link your outputs together, eg. when you want a red lights on at different times, do not connect IC outputs together directly, instead use two (or more) signal diodes (this is effectively your OR gate) to the outputs and LED/relay respectively.
Depending on the wattage the IC(s) can handle, you may need to use your relays to trigger the LEDs.
You say you "have" to build this? Is it a uni project or something that has to meet criteria?
I'm sure some more experienced enthusiasts can help you out with the 74LS192. Good luck.
Hi swallowbird,

is the traffic light used for pedestrian's crossing? I'm missing the yellow light in the threat. Secondly: Should the design be for a four-way-intersection?



Duno if it helps but here is a schematic.



  • trafic.jpg
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swallow bird said:

I dunno where to use relays and logic gates,also I wanna know how three 74ls192 connect to each other?

connect lm555 output to 74192(1)count up clock, 74192(1)carry up to 74192(2)count up clock , 74192(2)carry up to 74192(3) count up clock
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