transisor sl100

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if you are from India, it is sold in various names
CL100, HL100, Bel100N, a replacement can be thought as per your situation need?
you may use 2N3019. for small currents even 2N2222 should work. take note of the pinout details for the deviceswhile mounting, if you are already having PCB.
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a bc548 will also work if your circuit needs less current (300ma), i think 300ma is enough for your circuit although it might take a few more time to fully recharge your battery,
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a bc548 will also work if your circuit needs less current (300ma)
Absolutely not!
The max current for a BC548 is only 100mA. A BC327 has a max current of 500mA and a 2N4401 has a max current of 600mA.
Please read the datasheet before making wrong statements.
Absolutely not!
The max current for a BC548 is only 100mA. A BC327 has a max current of 500mA and a 2N4401 has a max current of 600mA.
Please read the datasheet before making wrong statements.

but this datasheet shows the current is 500mA..Maybe a wrong datasheet?


  • bc548.pdf
    22 KB · Views: 347
Now that is truly odd: your datasheet (for the BC548/A/B/C) does indeed show a maximum Ic of 500mA.

But my Fairchild datasheet for the BC546/547/548/549/550 (a different one) shows a maximum of only 100mA. What's the deal here? Will the real BC548 please stand up?

hi cz,
My d/s agrees with yours at 100mA.
Interestingly, right click on the 'other' d/s and note the properties dates.!!!!
ALL today, I suspect someone is playing games.


  • bc548.pdf
    44.9 KB · Views: 394
  • AAesp02.gif
    14.6 KB · Views: 462
The BC548 was invented by Philips and has a 100mA max current. The original BC108 was in a metal case and its max current was also 100mA as shown in my 1968 Philips Silicon Transistors databook.

I also agree that Ziddik is playing games with "copy and paste". Anybody can copy and paste the spec's for a 2N3055 power transistor (15A max current) onto the datasheet of a little BC548. But the date in the properties shows when it was done.

what? I did't copy n paste anything, i got that datasheet from net n i have no idea what you are talking about, what made u think that i copy n pasted it?
You are correct. I am sorry I accused you of tampering with the PDF.

The properties does not show the date when the PDF was made, it shows the date it was downloaded and saved.
Maybe a kid at Philohome played with copy and paste.
You are correct. I am sorry I accused you of tampering with the PDF.

The properties does not show the date when the PDF was made, it shows the date it was downloaded and saved.
Maybe a kid at Philohome played with copy and paste.

its ok guru


  • PN100A.pdf
    146 KB · Views: 400
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So two questions: who do you think made this ersatz datasheet, but more importantly, why? Why would someone create such a misleading document?

(Document properties show someone named "kastillo" as the author, with a create date of 10/29/98.)
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....[/b]? Why would someone create such a misleading document?....
Likely the same reason hackers try to break into your computer and foul it up. Some people get a perverse pleasure out of messing things up for others.
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Don't rely on document properties (dates etc); they can be faked.
thanks for your help guys. what do you think is the best transistor for my circuit? it is my first time to make a project like this. i am only a student.
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