Transistor Matching

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New Member
Hello, just wondering if I can get some advice on a "good" tester for measuring transistor gain (and leakage if plausible). From what I've been told, DMM's do not provide a strong enough current to measure gain accurately.

I've also considered a DIY project (like this one for instance - **broken link removed** )

Just want to get some input from others first, who own or have used, a good transistor tester.

thanks -
I have a Sencore Cricket transistor tester that I really like. Quite old and large. Easy to use in and out of circuit.
The DIY seems a little excessive, since the hfe for a 2N3055 is specified at 4v. You just need a calibrated current source for the base current and an ammeter for the collector current, including a 4v supply.
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