New Member
Yeah Les, I must admit I'm getting a bit lost in it.I told you in post #24 what Jim has just pointed out that you had to set your meter to an AC voltage range to measure 24 volts AC. Re post #35 test between JP1 and JP2. It should have behaved as I said in post #30 but I think you must have done something wrong as when connected it was correctly switching the supply to the primary of the big transformer. Now I have convinced you that the small transformer is not faulty (Your voltage reading was higher than 24 volts as there was no load on the secondary and many small transformers have poor regulation.) we can start tracing the original problem of the wire feed motor not working. With everything connected back up, the welding current set to the lowest setting, the welder powered on and the trigger held on do the following. With the speed control first set to the minimum speed and then set to the maximum speed measure the voltages across the ends of the following resistors. and record them.R9, R4, R2 and R8. (8 readings.) Measure the voltage between pins 1 and 3 of connector CN3.
Short the ends of R8 together and note if the feed motor starts. Post the results.
I will plug all back in and start again like you said.
Sorry if I confused or didn't test correctly.
Please bare with me.