transmitter- receiver

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That is a very low radio frequency. It is almost an ultrasonic frequency. Then its antennas will need to be extremely long.
Have you seen the huge antenna for an AM radio station that has a frequency that is 3 times to 9 times higher?
ohhhh...that sounds i'm screwed.. actually i'm new to this field...i was jus asked to make 180khz receiver circuit from my college..
Weren't you taught about super-heterodyne radio circuits?
But for low range then a simple crystal radio child's toy circuit will work.
Where will you find a radio transmitter with the very unusually low frequency of only 180kHz?

Apparently the frequency is popular with fish? Check this link out. Company is located in Canada (of course).

A Google of 180 KHz transmitters receivers actually brings up some hits.


ohhhh...that sounds i'm screwed.. actually i'm new to this field...i was jus asked to make 180khz receiver circuit from my college..

Did they mention why? Anything at all?

For some reason 180 KHz in ultrasonics is popular.

will this work on 180 khz. what should i change from default given values?


  • crystal-radio.gif
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What you have there is a basic crystal radio receiver. That should tune between about 561 KHz and 3.3 MHz as it is drawn I think. The frequency range is determined by the coil (220 uH) and the variable capacitor 10 to 365 pF. The formula is attached. I also suggest you read this page with a focus on parallel RC networks.

Remember this is a very basic crystal radio receiver you posted. Also suggest you start understanding antenna length as was mentioned.

What exactly are you trying to do?

I'm trying to make a 180 khz receiver circuit. Oh and thanks for that wiki information.I did calculate keeping inductor same. I think i need capacitor of around 3.55 pf
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