TTL-232R converter

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New Member
Is there anywhere in Australia where I can buy a TTL-232R USB cable?I know you can get them from FTDI or mouser but you pay $30USD freight on a $10 cable.

I am building a Motorbike ECU interface and apparently this is the silver bullett.
I am not an electronics wizz but I am getting all my info from
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Thanks in advance.
Ebay is a good source for USB to RS232 converters.

It is quite a simple project to make an RS232 - TTL converter, based on a MAX232 or similar.

The only danger is that some USB to RS232 converters do not work with all software/hardware that does work with a real RS232 port on a desktop PC. As your application only uses Rx and Tx you should be OK.
Dontronics will have the ftdi cables that you are after!

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He is in australia.


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