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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

TV Jammer Circuit?

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spuffock said:
When I was a sprog and hadn't had my ears thickened enough, this was the sort of thing I made. The thing was at least tuned. It took 2mA at 9V, and it took the whole damned street out. You could see all the windows light up.
After I was caught, my ears were considerably thicker.
Definetly not worth the trouble.

I'm guessing that pranks of your younger years didn't diminish your interest in electronics. So guessing they were well worth it. I guess the Engish people just love to piss on everyone elses parade...

Anyway, this circuit was one of several approved simple project we were allowed to build in shop class, to teach basic electronic skills. Read a schematic, design the PCB artwork, etch a board, drill holes, solder parts, and usually a little troubleshooting. Have a little fun while you learn.

The range is maybe 30-40 feet. Most people these days have cable or satelite TV, so this will have no effect. I've never had cable or satelite, just free broadcast TV, when reception is really bad (storms), I just pop in a movie.

Beginning projects should be simple, fun and interesting. Electronics is a huge field, and still growing fast. Everybody needs to learn some basic skills in the beginning. True, a PIC can do anything, except PIC-your-nose, but you still need to solder, and a little about descreet components.
Its a raw ascii file but I added .txt on the end so all you windows people can open it. Use Gedit (Linux), Notepad or Wordpad (Windows).
What is with this text crap for making a simple schematic???
Sketch the thing!
audioguru said:
What is with this text crap for making a simple schematic???
Sketch the thing!

Yeah, was kind of wondering about that. At first I just thought it was a very old file, but the second one kind made me think it was done recently. Haven't seen stuff like that since I was in high school (teletype terminals, no graphics, no CRTs). Although we did get a TRS-80 my junior year...

Why draw in ASCII, when there are hundreds of free drawing programs on the internet. Windows comes with a paint program...
Well, there are manyways to start electric warfare, i could teach you how to cause cancer and kill anyone that lives around you without breaking a sweat, but that would be very wrong, and could also kill you...

So, there are some basic ways to do it.

1- Build a huge coil, like the ones used to do ELF recepcion, and build an strong transistor (for low frequency mosfets are suitable too) driver circuit to make the coil oscilate at your disered frequency. Ex... 50Hz or 60Hz...

2- Make an electric line pulse injector, this would affect your devices and some around your house, just inject pulses of very high voltage on the powerline, but this one can be dangerous. If the devices around you are built without any noise supression you can take them down.

3- To cause interference in the TV, well, any coil oscilating at low frequencies will cause noise on the tv, unless it is an LCD or better...

4- Make a tesla coil and use it !

Remember that, it is always easier to destroy than to build something, having this in mind choose carefully your path.

This can be seen as an test to the electronic interfearence resistance on the devices, but if you have anyone with a pacemaker around dont do this, the pacemakers have some protections, but even so, avoid doing this many times. Also, stopping a pacemaker doesn't mean that you will kill the user but you could cause it to go under cardiac arrest, you could make a lifetime change, starting to wake up watching the sun in stripes (yep, in the jail !!!).
So why have you suddenly responded to a thread over three years oldd?.

Hi great PIC master :p

Well, mainly because i don't have internet at home... so, that alone can be a pain in the... and because i must remeber to come here and do some reading before i can try to help or annoy someone :) but know that i have this forum in great esteem, as a reference and sure place to get help, from the best. And even that i'm not always posting, i'm watching, like watching you rising to your well deserved, actual, rank :)
I'm not, yet, i am here!
Only a lowlife would jam TV reception. It is clearly illegal. If you do it for real, I hope they catch you and subject to severe criminal and civil penalties.

I think what this guy meant was he wants to make a TV remote jammer...
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