UART Setup

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Active Member
Can somebody tell me how to configure the UART for 1200bps on 7bit data & even parity with start & stop bits.OSC is 4MHz.

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Cant I use the UART module to receive data?

7bit data & even parity means is it 8 bit? so why I cant use the standard UART module & ignore the MSB that is parity bit in this case.

I want to do this with UART module.
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Of course you can - as already mentioned, you would need to write code to handle the parity bit - check it, or discard as required.
Nigel thanks.

I still wondering what code do I need to write why can't i just ignore the MSB of the receive byte ?

So I need only to read the buffer.

You mean what code to write?
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Nigel thanks.

I still wondering what code do I need to write why can't i just ignore the MSB of the receive byte ?

So I need only to read the buffer.

You mean what code to write?

It's not like you need to write a lot

If you want to ignore the parity bit, then simply write code to AND it and mask that bit off. One line is all you need to add.
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