Unable to connect a battery(Li-Ion 7.4 V , 5.2A/Hr ) using an on/off switch?

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New Member
Dear All,

I have got a battery operated instrument.

I am using an on/off switch to connect the battery to the instrument.

When the switch is on instrument is not getting supply.

But the same circuit is working fine with the general DC power supply(0-30V).

Please tell me where i have done mistake....

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Does the battery have a battery protection circuit built in? If so, there might be a turn-on surge that is tripping the protection circuit.

Is the switch working, and is is rated for the job?
Hi Diver,
Thanq for the reply.

Regarding the battery protection circuit i do not know...i have to find it out from the manufacturer/designer....

Swith is working and it has rating up 10Amps and the circuit consumes
2.5 Amps only

But while connecting to the DC power supply i am using the same switch and is working fine.

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