Unable to connect to a specific website.

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Nigel Goodwin

Super Moderator
Most Helpful Member
Anyone got any ideas?, and can you try this website:


It's one we use at work, or did - as we can't connect to it any more, although other people say they can.

Traceroute times out after two hops in Germany - after going via Houston, Atlanta, and Washignton.

Is it perhaps a DSN server problem?.
Thanks Eric,

So why doesn't it work from here?.

Here's a traceroute screenshot on it's IP address.


  • Trace_Route.png
    31.7 KB · Views: 493
I'm back home now, and I can connect from here OK, but Traceroute still times out - perhaps the server doesn't accept pings?.
Hi Nigel,
It works fine here can't say what might be the problem, It may happen that it would not be able to catch the server from the workplace where you work, but its not sure, I am just making a guess or might be the server would be overloaded with number of users at the time when you try accessing it.
Last year, I had a similar problem with another site. Had to clear my cache to fix it.

BTW, the site you mention works fine for me, WinXP/Chrome.

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