Hello Thanks to Pommi and Atomsoft,
I'm now almost done, here is attached my working code with a standalone 18F2620.
The major issue was fixed by adding the following into Wait_Not_Busy(void) :
Now all functions are working properly, please check my code i hope nothing is missing ( dummy read, maybe ? )
May i ask you some more questions please :
- Pommie, would you please show me where i should modify the code to invert color display ?
I put some comment into GLCD.c where i think modifications should be done, but i'm really not sure they are correct.
- I put in GLCD.c 3 new fonts i got from another project, can you tell me how to use them in main.c ( with PutMessage ? )
const far rom unsigned char Font2[95][5];
const far rom unsigned char FontSmall[10][7];
const far rom unsigned char Font18[12][16];
- Is it easy to create and use new fonts from Windows True Type existing fonts ?
- The circle function give oval forms ... not real circles, has someone a better one ?
- I do not understand what
x16\x38\x18 is used for in :
PutMessage((rom char*)"\x16\x38\x18Demo");
When i add this line in main, "
D" letter of Demo is not displayed ... and text comes up with 1 or 2 seconds delay, why ?
- Are KS108 GLCD exists with real colors pixels ? ( RGB )