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Universal Rechargeable Battery

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New Member
Ok this is in regards to my portable TV project I'm working on. I have found the TV and it comes with a rechargeable battery.

I have two inquires that somebody may or may not be able to help me with.

1.There is a Haier HLTC15DC 15.6-Inch 720p Portable LCD TV/DVD Combo, it does not come with a rechargeable battery, however it is able to be powered by a car battery via adapter. I'm curious as to if it is possible to build a rechargeable battery pack of some sort to power this. It only has to last an two or three hours, nothing too crazy.

2. I have discovered that a lot of older systems such as the PS2 and anything made before it, as well as the Wii, can be powered by batteries. I saw a PS2 being powered by 6 Lithium rechargeable batteries for instance. So, I was curious how hard or even possible it would be to build one rechargeable power source for all of these systems to easily be plugged into. Where as I could fairly easily build these portable systems I don't want to take them all apart.

So not sure if either of those are even possible but if they are I figured somebody out here could lead me in the right direction. Thanks for all input beforehand.
You said another TV can be powered by an adapter from a car battery.
But it cannot charge a rechargeable battery.

Then you must design a system that will provide the voltage and current neeeded to power the TV and to charge its rechargeable battery.
Sorry I didn't clerify, there is two TV's. One has the adapter and rechargeable battery. However, it is a 10" screen.

I was looking to go bigger and the next size up is the 15" it has a car adapter to power the TV however it has no rechargeable battery I was seeing if it was possible to build one to power this TV.
Also I'm really not too worried about having it be able to be charged and powered up at the same time really I'm thinking as simple as possible. Its kinda my prototype.
Do you live in your car? Most people watch TV shows in their living room, family room or bedroom. Then the TV is powered by mains electricity unless you live in a 3rd-world country that does not have enough electricity for everybody.

Maybe you live in a tent without electricity, running water, heating, air conditioning, food or a toilet. Some people go camping, fishing or hunting to live miserablely like that.
I don't know if he wants the TV in his car or if he wants to walk around with the portable TV in one hand and a car battery in the other hand.
I hope he is making a high definition digital TV because ordinary analog TV has stopped in USA and will soon stop in Canada.
Cable TV is not very portable.
Oh, satellite TV??
I'm fighting a useless battle but for the sake of something coming out of this post.

All I wanted to know if it was possible to build a rechargeable battery for a TV, I mentioned it runs off of a car battery purely because that would mean it was more plausible. I think going out camping and playing the Wii or some old vintage Golden Eye would be pretty sweet. But apparently its the dumbest thing since the gamecube so I digress and admit defeat.
All I wanted to know if it was possible to build a rechargeable battery for a TV, I mentioned it runs off of a car battery purely because that would mean it was more plausible.
You are the only one who knows how much power your TV will take from a huge and heavy car battery. But a car battery is designed to supply a few hundred amps for a few seconds to start an engine, not supply a few Amps for a few hours. A car battery might be destroyed by discharging it too low.
Does the TV have a specification that says how much current it takes at 12 V. Alternatively, can you measure it?

As Audioguru says, most lead-acid batteries don't like being completely discharged. Some gell batteries and leisure batteries are designed to not be damaged as much by complete discharge.

Li-Ion batteries offer far more energy in the same size and weight, but are much more difficult to charge safely, and their output voltage varies more as they discharge.
I think rather than try to get all the gadgets to run off 12 volts I would just buy a small inverter to run them off of 110 ac. You could then use a SLA battey to run the inverter. A 12 AH battery would probably run the TV for an hour or 2.
I thought he said, "Your, ah, dick". He was talking about its huge size, I guess.
It is "you're" not "your".

Its very attentive of you, to find this error.
Ive got to give my hat off to you. Your either
really board, or youve got nuthing better todo.
You being a "bountyhunter", this is only in good humor !
But if I was "The Duck"..., Id be worried about my dick !!

(Ha Ha!)
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Ive got to give my hat off to you. Your either
really board, or youve got nuthing better todo.
Your spelling is terrible.
I've got to give my hat off to you. You're either
really bored, or you've nothing to do.

But if I was "The Duck"..., Id be worried about my dick !!
I am The Duck. I am not worried about my big dick.

Id should be I'd which is short for "I would".
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Actually, I spent quite a number of years writing articles for publication so proofreading text is automatic to me and requires no attention at all. But when somebody puts three errors in every sentence, you don't need to be a professional writer to spot them. I would hope that English is not your first language which would make such errors understandable. If English is your first language, that makes me cry for the state of our public school systems.

My point was that if you are going to crudely insult someone on the internet, being unable to form the words makes you look unintelligent even more so than the insult itself.
Did either of you see the "Ha Ha"?

Great. I know how to spell, and also notice
language errors, but neither of you know how
to read the entire thread? It was a joke !!

So much for exercising a little human spirit, and
and trying to bring a smile to everyone's faces...
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