Unknown part

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FEC 9941

Sorry about the crappy photo, camera has been giving me trouble lately.

Was sorting out some salvaged parts, and couldn't find any info on this one.
Physically, it's about 1 inch square, about 1/2 inch tall. Red dot lower right hand corner. Four leads underneath, about the same diameter as a resistor, at each corner. Not entirely sure what sort of PCB it came off, maybe a satellite board. Leads seem a little thin for a bridge rectifier, maybe a relay...


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Thanks. Might be a useful part. Wouldn't happen to know where I can get a data sheet? Wasn't able to even get a description. Got as far as Frontier Electronics Corp.
Not a very informative site. Think it's current production. I thought it might be a transformer by it's weight, just an odd package. Lots of Google hits, but only list the part number, no specs.
I've seen transformers and inductors in this sort of package before.

Have you measured the resistance between the pins?

It's quite easy to measure the coil inductances and turns ratio using a signal generator and oscilloscope.
Haven't attempted any measurements, but I'll go with the inductor, as it seems consistent with other parts made by the company. Got an inductance meter and will dig it out (been gathering dust for a few years..).
I did email the company for more on this part. Waiting on a second response.

Here is the First Response

Subject: RE: SLH2204-01 Transformer
Date: 6/14/07 11:20:44 A.M. Central Daylight Time
From: sandrac@frontierusa.com
Reply To:
To: Hotwaterwizard@aol.com


This is not one of our standard parts. Please provide more information for us to locate the p/n.

Thank you,

Sandra Chang

Frontier Electronics

Tel: 805-522-9998

Fax: 805-522-9989


From: Hotwaterwizard@aol.com [mailto:Hotwaterwizard@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 10:34 PM
To: Julie Fernholz
Subject: SLH2204-01 Transformer

I am looking for a Datasheet for SLH2204-01 Transformer

Can you help me?
Someone mentioned a 1999 date code, guessing its a little obsolete...

Did some measurements. Not a huge difference between primary and secondary.


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How big is it?

It sounds like a pulse transformer to me.

I doubt it's obsolete, there's always a need for pulse transformers, opto isolators aren't always the best thing to use you knoe.
25mm square, by 13.44mm tall... Surprisingly close to my earlier guess. I've pretty much run out of places to find specs on these. Just caught my interest because it's packaged very well, and figure it must be a valuable part.

I've got two of them, but could be more. I've got a huge box of junk PCB, which grab a bucket and a propane torch and harvest once in a while. Not a lot worth sorting out sometimes, but get lucky sometimes.
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